If you go a month without having sex, does the reduce your normal ejaculation timing?

This year I’ve been going few weeks or a month without having sex, I don’t masturbate,
I’ve been facing the issue of ejaculating pretty early for the first time whenever I have sex after a long time.
Is this normal or do I have some issue?
If yes, how do I prevent it or do to Improve my time?

I live an active lifestyle, 5-6 days a week and have 756ng/dl testosterone. I got it checked just to make sure I don’t have low testosterone.

  1. It definitely does! (Or at least in my experience as a woman!).

    That’s the reason that men will masturbate before dates etc- so they can last longer

  2. Totally. When my wife and I are doing it more frequently, my stamina tends to build up, and I last longer before orgasming. If sex becomes sporadic, or lacking in existence, I tend to orgasm much quicker. This is probably all mental, on my part, but it happens like that most of the time.

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