Like if they were in the middle of an operation and needed to close a few streets, put on a mock festival or call a marching band for example. Can they request all other law enforcement to hold back and out of the area etc

Would they be able to demand and get all these kind of things? Or would they need to go to a federal judge or something to make the city/town comply?

  1. The FBI isn’t going to be putting on a mock festival.

    At most, they might take over a building for a sting operation. But putting on a mock festival? No, absolutely not.

    The FBI does not need to get local LE’s permission to conduct operations if the operation is otherwise legal. Out of courtesy and to avoid very dangerous miscommunications, they probably will phone the local department and warn them that the FBI is going to be doing something at 123 Main Street. But there’s nothing legally requiring them to do so.

  2. I can’t think of a reason why they would need a mock festival or marching band, but sure, if hey can prove to local law enforcement/judges that it’s necessary, they can request that. Doesn’t mean it’ll get approved though. They can’t just call up the local marching band and ask them to start marching.

  3. I’m kind of liking the idea of hidden, emergency marching bands. But that doesn’t seem like a thing they’d do, tbh.

  4. If anything they’re doing is illegal locally or by the constitution, the local sheriff can arrest them. We’ve recently had sheriffs standing up to FBI/ATF and/or telling residents to call if they make unconstitutional demands or try things like warrantless searches.

    Can the FBI ask for assistance or ask citizens to provide them with their buildings or other supplies for operations? Yes. Can they demand it be provided? No.

  5. FBI has jurisdiction to enforce federal laws anywhere in the US. They have no jurisdiction to enforce state or local laws. They have no authority over state or local law enforcement.

    They can not make demands. They can make requests. Shut down a street for 15 minutes while you grab your suspect? Sure. Shut it down all day for a marching band? Nope, not without consulting local officials.

  6. I guess they could hire a marching band to play but they can’t compel people to play instruments for them if that’s what you’re envisioning

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