i’ve slept with a few girls in the past, but my new gf of a few weeks yells 10-20 different names during sex and never says mine. the sex is bomb so idk what to do, she only says my name when she’s going down on me. but during intercourse and when i go down on her, she closes her eyes and says other names, whom she has yet to confirm if they are her previous partners. how big of a red flag is this and how much longer should i continue the relationship just for the sex, even if we don’t get married it’s fine but i think i can go a few more months at max. lol

  1. Seems crazy wild at first impression 😅. But are you guys comfortable to communicate about your sexlife with eachother? In that case I would just be open and honest about it, tell her you feel kinda weird when she does that. Ask her if there is any reason behind it? Why so many names and not yours? Maybe it’s just a kink most of us never heard of before 🤷‍♀️

  2. If i understand correctly, while she’s cumming she loses control of her speaking ability and utters the names or previous partners? And she knows your name any time else?? Is she on any medications?

    > the sex is bomb

    Take the good with the bad, imho.

  3. My initial response is that this is subtle devaluation to lower your self esteem. Keep an eye out for other similar, but subtle behavior. It’s a tactic that some abusers use to reduce their victim’s confidence, and increase likeliness to put up with their bullshit. Not saying that’s for sure that case, but it was my immediate concern.

  4. Wait . . . WTF. Definitely a red flag. Either something whack is going on with her mental health, or she is straight up thinking about other people when she is having sex with you. Having sex with her might be great on some level, but wouldn’t you find sex better with someone who wants to be doing it with YOU and is present in the moment?

    Ooh, just thought of a possible third possibility – she is trolling you mid sex. Which is a pretty epic power move

  5. What. The. Fuck.

    Could you imagine if you did this to any girl you’ve ever had sex with without talking about it first. Am I missing something?!?

  6. Lmaooo every time I think this sub cannot surprise me anymore and then something like this comes up

  7. Start yelling random names yourself. See what happens when when mid nut you yell “Aelwyn” or ” Gertrude”.

  8. I saw this title and was literally like… what.

    Talk to her and ask her WTF is going on and who these people are.

  9. Your just a dildo made of flesh she uses while fantasizing about other men. Is that so bard to comprehend?

  10. I can tell you right now if someone called an actual name that wasn’t mine…I’d likely be done! Honey, baby, sugar…pet names of any type, sure! He has even called me my legal (rarely used) name from time to time and THAT took me out of the moment. Completely different actual name?! I can’t imagine the sex being THAT good to ignore it and go on unbothered.

  11. Yet to confirm if they’re previous partners?… She’s just shouting out the homies while she’s getting blasted? Lmao

  12. I’d be worried that I’d get a chick like that pregnant and have my life ruined by some psycho.

  13. Lol 10-20 different names? Hypothetically if the entire thing lasts for 10 minutes does that mean she’s saying a new name every minute? 😂

  14. 20 names and she offers no explanation whatsoever?

    More red flags than a communist parade.

  15. I’m not sure if this post makes me want to stick around for how crazy this sub can get or if it’s time to go 🤣

    My brother in Christ, that a hard limit right there. Unless she’s got Tourette’s, put your pants back on and walk out that door. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  16. Keep pounding it. She’ll figure it out sooner or later. If not, keep pounding away.

  17. I have two partners, and I hope to god I wouldn’t accidentally say the other’s name during sex. I can’t imagine full on purposefully screaming any man’s name but the person I’m with. I’m honestly just cracking the fuck up over the absurdity of this. 💀

  18. Clouded your judgement has become, Jeremy, Micheal, Stefan, Thomas, Mark, oh Mark and Mason.

  19. her: “Oh, Kevin!”

    you: “I thought you weren’t gonna say his name again!?”

    her: “It’s a different Kevin.”

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