Somebody who’s opinion means the world to me told me that the sex was mediocre (months after having sex) and in later conversation when I mentioned that it takes two people to have bad sex pretty much said that it was all me. I’m very insecure when it comes to sex and have always felt like I’m bad at it but have never gotten any complaints and have even gotten compliments but this one comment has completely smashed my confidence. How does one get better at having sex? Does reading articles online about positions and shit help? Watching porn? I’m also very awkward and pretty sure I’m a sex positive asexual so being sexy doesn’t come naturally to me unfortunately. Any advice? Thank you 🙂

  1. The girls that I had the best sex with were the ones who were so crazy about me. So I don’t know what to tell you because you’re asexual…

  2. Well there are many things that can make you better. I would say the first would be knowing what things turn you on and exploring all of them. Porn will teach you nothing except for everything people do not actually do in the real world. Check out sensual massage. Get a book on positions, A book on how sex works like Clitoral Truth for example. Have you looked into any sex positive teachers on youtube ? I recommend checking out Venus O’Hara she has a lot of great info and answers questions. Try reading posts on Literotica it is entertaining and educational too. Hopefully I gave you something useful. Best wishes ✌

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