“If you’re having constant heartburn, then it means your baby will be born hairy.” What do you think of this old wives’ tale I just heard?

  1. Never heard of it till now but it’s obviously just a myth. There’s no way to know your baby’s sex through stuff like that.

    Sometimes gut feeling is right tho.

    (I’m pregnant by the way)

  2. Heartburn and the baby had hiccups, both were “your baby will be born with a full head of hair” old wives tales. My baby was, in fact, born with a full head of hair.

  3. I know it’s wild, but it was accurate for both my sisters children! Could be a coincidence or could be true, either way I totally understand how it got validated over time.

  4. My baby was born with a full head of hair and i had the worst heartburn ever! I dont know what the correlation between the two is. I remember the heartburn was so much worse at night

  5. I was taking 2 omeprazole and rennies daily and my heartburn was unbearable with my first, he was born bald 🥲

  6. I thought it was because when the baby grows their hair in the womb it produces hormones which give you heartburn.

  7. It’s not an old wives tale. The same hormone that makes the hair gives you heartburn.

  8. With my first, I had heartburn so bad I would curl up and cry. When she was born she had zero hair. And didn’t grow any hair until she was about three.

  9. Had heartburn for one, not for the other, both came out with the same quantity of hair.

  10. I had heartburn and a hairy baby. I’ll also give you some advice on heartburn at bedtime if you lay on your right side or back it will be so much worse but if you lay on your left side it goes away. Not sure why this works but it does.

  11. I ate Tums like candy while I was pregnant. Heartburn was probably the worst part of my pregnancy. Baby was born with the fullest head of hair I’ve ever seen on an infant. Seriously, he looked like a little man.

    Coincidence, maybe. There’s some validity to some old wives tales. And some are absolutely ridiculous lol

  12. Constant heartburn. Every day. My son was born with a head full of hair.

  13. I had heartburn from my second tri – to birth, PC completed helped a little… my son had no hair.

  14. It was true in both of my pregnancies. My first was hairy but with my second I had such bad heartburn, I slept with a bottle of tums under my pillow. He came out covered, with a full head and back of hair.

  15. The one study cited to “prove” this myth had a low sample size and went on self-reported amount of heartburn. So it’s scientifically still a myth.

  16. I have had 6 kids and zero heartburn with each one and each one came out with a full head of hair thick too.

  17. I had such bad heartburn and my baby was born with like five hairs on his head. So, I think about this old wives’ tale the same as I do any other old wives’ tale- it’s a story made up to try and make people feel better about something.

  18. I was chugging the gaviscone like water. Horrendous heartburn during both pregnancies. Both babies were almost bald.

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