What is your definition of a “trad wife” or how would you describe one to be?

  1. One that’s awake at dawn, hauls the ceramics and leatherworked goods down to the stall we have at the agora while I head over to the workshop, sells to the passersby until everything’s sold, then returns home to kick the help into cleaning the flat in case the family’s *paterfamilias* comes by with support for my bid to join the Equestrian class.

    Oh, and she should be from a good Roman family, not a provincial from outside the Italian mainland.

  2. A delusional, brainwashed woman. The worst combination of religious madness and conservative garbage.

  3. Millennial women cosplaying stepford wives and believing that it’s some kind of a brave stance to take, because some angry Karen-stereotype on social media told them to.

  4. Firstly, it’s a term used by bitter people (usually women) that are seething with jealousy at seeing a woman be happy with her life of raising a home and family while having most men find them very attractive.

    As for what they are, I think the previous statement already covers it. They maintain the home, raise the kids, support the family, and otherwise make sure that everything is where it needs to be so that their husband can break himself (or damn near) making sure that his wife and kids are provided for.

    The funny part is, only the most bitter, hate filled, unfulfilled, angry, and insecure of people have such an indescribably huge amount of hostility towards them, as the “trad wife” lifestyle choice does not affect anyone else outside that home in the slightest.

  5. Helps take care of the house while the husband provides for the house. Helps pick her husband up when he is low instead of kicking him while he’s already down.

  6. No tattoos or rings in her nose. Primarily takes care of the home and kids. Not half naked all over social media, not obsessed with social media, and does not hate men. Her kids are “your” kids. Not someone else’s.

  7. last thing I want is a trad wife. it’s not hard to keep a house clean and I like spending time with my kids. I love that my wife has goals, motivation, drive and ambitions. I love how she overcomes challenges at work. We both make a very decent income, very secure in upper middle class, either one of us could lose our job and we would be able to get by, that is a huge safety net. plus she understands a lot of my own challenges at work and things i deal with, we can run ideas or vent to one another as we are both in management and supervisory roles.
    plus having a job gives my wife a feeling of value outside our family. many wealthy men complain that their wives are ungrateful because they have everything…. the unhappiness is due to the lack of fulfillment and personal challenge and growth.

  8. IME, it’s generally a more conservative woman who wants to stay home and raise the kids and tend to the home. Seems perfectly reasonable to me as long as the family can afford it – to each their own. I don’t, however, find it to be more noble or anything. It’s just a choice like any other choice.

  9. Modest dress, low-to-no past sexual partners other than her man, pics a trad-hub, breastfeeds until the children are onto solid food, keeps the home clean, takes care of the laundry and food, appreciates her man when he gets home instead of bombarding him with negativity, has a social life with the other mothers and is involved in booster clubs/reading, etc. Takes reasonable steps to have the kids spend the night with the grandparents or a friend so mommy can have daddy blow her back out.

  10. A woman who prioritizes her families well being and happiness over having a career.

  11. She has had nine children, five of whom died before age 5. Her arms are tough as iron, her face weathered by bad weather and bad times. Her hands are rock-hard with calluses from the fieldwork and the homemade lye soap that she uses to do the laundry. Despite being in her late 30s, her shoulders are stooped like a pensioner’s from hauling the water. She wears her hair in a bandanna because washing it requires another bucket of water to be hauled up 75 feet from the water table and heated up with wood that was chopped from a copse of trees three miles away.

    What, you thought that REVTRN homesteading was all linen sundresses and frolicking in meadows? Go to some remote village in Russia or Kyrgyzstan, women still live like this.

  12. -Doesn’t fuck for the hell of it

    -Has values in line with her culture

    -Knows her ethnicity’s cooking inside and out

    -Does basic housewife duties

  13. Oriented to family and kids, preparing meals, that you can trust and support her husband. Maybe it is a stupid example, but if you have watched Naruto, Hinata is a perfect and tradintional wife

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