Spokane just opened the 5th or 6th one along Interstate 90 eastbound recently. Nothing I love more than accelerating 0-60 from a dead stop!

  1. I live in Oregon, and as I recollect, there is a handful of these in Portland on I5, I205, and I84. I don’t think we have them anywhere else but I could be wrong.

  2. Yeah. A lot of the freeways on here will have on-ramps that zipper people in to regulate the traffic. I don’t mind it even though I have to cross like 3 lanes to get to the car pool lane.

  3. Yes and I completely ignore them unless someone there’s people stopped ahead of me

  4. There are none in Alaska. I have driven in Spokane and did enjoy the 0-60 launch, though.

  5. This is 100% the norm in most metro areas. Spokane has only gotten away without having them for so long because they’re essentially an island of people in the middle of nowhere compared to metro areas like Greater Seattle, so it may be the second most populous city in the state, but the county itself only has half a million people living in it, that would possibly regularly comute in or our of the city. Compare that to the I5 corridor from Marysville to Tacoma and you have 4 million people, many of which will commute up and down that freeway daily.

    Sorry for the rant, but I’ve got a buddy who always compares west side vs east side problems on the basis of Spokane being the 2nd largest city without rubbing two brain cells together about it.

  6. Pretty much any big metro area has them. Someone said Alaska doesn’t, which is expected. It may have to do with density and capacity, as they aren’t always active.

  7. We do not have these here. But we do have highways where some on ramps are actually stop signs. You have to stop and wait for an opening and then go. It’s usually on older or more narrow highways. Aaaaand they’re usually pretty busy so you really have to floor it.

  8. None in Indianapolis, where I do most of my city driving. In fact I’m not sure I’d ever seen them before I went to Denver a few years ago.

  9. I don’t think the St. Louis metro has any. When I lived in Denver, there were a few, which probably didn’t help the terrible traffic there

  10. Maine and New Hampshire have a few, mostly they aren’t on the ramps these days. They are pay by plate or EZ pass overhead cameras on the travel lane where you don’t even need to slow down.

  11. Memories of the I-880 in the Bay Area.

    I haven’t seen any since I moved out of California.

  12. I’d never heard of this concept until just now. I’ve spent most of my life in VA, WV, OH, PA and MD.

  13. Good lord! Has nobody in this sub been to California? EVERY onramp in the cities have them. There is no need to accelerate cause the traffic is going slow too

    For a special thrill, try to get onto the 110 when it heads into and out of Pasadena.

    It has literal stop signs (on blind curves btw) at the junction point of the onramp and the slow lane.

    FYI, I even asked my teenage to link this and kiddo couldn’t do it either. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2001-nov-06-me-803-story.html

  14. Yes, almost every on-ramp is metered here in the Twin Cities. It’s crazy to imagine not having metering.

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