I have been struggling to find myself something to look forward to during my limited downtime each evening. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy work, and I enjoy my family time. But come 8.30ish at night, when all the kids are in bed, and all the chores are done for the day, I never know what to do. I found out that futurama is doing another season, so I am rewatching that show – and I tell you what, its nice to not have to hunt for something to do during that time.

  1. Sitting on the couch playing video games while my wife watches tv next to me.

  2. im only 20 so all of the kids stuff i cant relate too but the down time after work is killing me. its to the point im ready to work 12s 6am/6pm so i have less time to think about life and do nothing all day

  3. That’s what we do. Currently watching superstore. When that’s done we’ll move to another one

  4. Getting to see my niece and nephews, especially when they’re learned a new fact or skill that they can’t wait to show me. Getting to cuddle my cat. Getting to read a new book or play a new game. Getting to cook a simple meal. Getting to write a new character or story. Anything helps me express myself in ways that my work life cannot

  5. I work until pretty late in the evening.. but the thing I look forward to most is coming home to my own space… finally getting some time to be on my own, decompress, relax, and have some peace and quiet.

    I have a hot shower, then get into some sweatpants or basketball shorts, and eat a giant meal while watching the news, reading, or youtube videos. After I clean up the kitchen and brush my teeth, I’m happy just lounging around until I start to drift off.

  6. I normally just go to sleep.. “alright I’ve done enough today, time for tomorrow”

  7. Lifting weights and a big dinner. Nothing beats a hard workout followed by a big plate of salmon and potatoes

  8. Nothing. It’s just me, my mom, 2 cats and a rabbit.

    I just come home, get off my feet and become sad instantly. I have video games and friends to play with but I rather go out on a date with someone or something….on a day I don’t have school work deadlines.

  9. After-dinner (& dishes) coffee and chocolate, classical music, and talking with my friend Jenny.

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