so this girl I’ve known for a while and I only just started talking probably 3 weeks ago I always start the convo and she usually always replies but won’t ask me questions unless she feels obliged to I would usually just accept the fact that she doesn’t like me but the way she replies makes me think otherwise since it’s always so deep and detailed and when I see her in person it’s always eye contact and being close to me I would follow suit but I have adhd and social anxiety so when I’m at home I’m wild but when I’m in public with someone I like i go proper introverted mode and don’t know what to do, I wish I could let her see that other side but the only way I can get it to come out is when I’m drunk but I don’t drink so idk what to do do I just let it go or do I try and fix my social anxiety before I tell her how I feel and she doesn’t feel the same way I would really like to make it work with her because she really is wifey material all green flags

  1. Maybe it’s normal for her to send deep and detailed texts to people. Maybe eye contact and standing close to people is also normal for her. Who knows.

    The only way you’re going to know for sure if she likes you is to tell her you like her and/or tell her you’d like to take her out on a date. I get social anxiety can make these types of things very difficult for you, but that’s really the only way you’re ever going to know if you have a chance with her.

  2. The so prevalent approach of trying to minimize your risks when it comes
    to a specific woman, or women in general, is not a good one. It is
    basically alway rooted in the fear-propelled assumption that it is
    possible to achieve maximum or 100 % safety, a risk-free environment so
    to speak. Meaning, you carefully observe a girl’s behavior, you watch
    how she acts and reacts to you and the accumulated indicators of
    (platonic or sexual/romantic) interest are then used to formulate a

    This is a flawed equation.

    It doesn’t work like that.

    The first mistake that you and men like you make is to believe that it
    is possible to avoid (all or most) risks, that is e.g. the risk of
    rejection and the fear of the consequences of rejection, for instance:
    feeling rejected, feeling sad, down, not wanted, hopes crushed etc.

    It is impossible to avoid those risks. One of the primary rules that you
    should not run from but which you should instead appreciate and embrace is:

    Risk and reward are inevitably intertwined.

    This is especially true for the sexual, romatnic, ralationship dynamic
    but also applies to many other speres of life and interpersonal
    relationships. It applies when you consider creating your own company,
    it could fail. It applies when you take swimming lessons, you might gulp
    in a bit of water and you will most likely feel the fear of drowning at
    least a few times. It applies when bringing forth and sharing a business
    idea in your job, it might be celebrated and you get a raise, or your
    boss doesnt like it or some other employees might think the delivery or
    the content of the idea is less than stellar. It applies when you wanne
    learn wintersports. You will fall and might hurt your butt a bit when
    landing on it and you might tumble around like a snowball and it might
    be a bit unpleasant or your might injure your wrist or break your leg.

    Those are very real risks and it is not possible to avoid them with 100
    % certainity no matter what you do. If you want to learn a sport or want
    to create your company or want to practice playing the violine or boxing
    or anything at all, then it is inevitable to fail on that journey to
    master a skill or to improve yourself or to establish your own company.
    There will be setbacks. Failure is as inevitabla as death. This is one
    of the first and major mistakes that e.g. men make when it comes to women.

    You could wait ten thousand years, observing a woman that actively
    flirts with you, that makes you compliments, that tells you that you are
    great that even reacts physically and blushes and then…..piff paff
    abrakadabra, she rejects you and says with a sad face ‘I really like
    you, but I think it is best we remain friends/I really like you, thank
    you for your interest, that is so flattering but I do have a
    bf/husband/I do have another man that I have started to
    date/etc./etc./endless loop’.

    You cannot minimize that risk, no matter what you do or for how long you
    do it.

    Time is irrelevant in that entire dynamic or risk and reward. Waiting
    will not help you but will usually lead to a man (or woman) heavily
    investing in terms of time, emotions and energy and as soon as we are
    invested it is virtually impossible to not start to cultivate
    expectations. And we will then inevitably be disappointed when our
    expectations are not met and we get rejected for instance. Or do not get
    the job, or fall face down when trying to learn snowboarding or make
    mistakes when trying to apply our new language skills.

    This lesson is so vital for getting girls or achieving anything at all
    in life that I will repeat once more:

    You cannot achieve anything without failing and without losing at times
    or without making mistakes asometimes or even very often.

    Before engaging with any girl you want, you should really try to fully
    appreciate that one first rule that you have to accept as a man. Because
    if you don’t, if you desperately try to avoid risks, this will most
    often lead not into a warm and passionate embrace with the women you
    like, but instead diretly into the friendzone. The friendzone is usually
    the destination of men that cannot or do not want to fully accept that
    first rule of playing the game. They only think that their primary goal
    and motivation is to get this girl but in reality their overriding
    agenda is avoid getting rejected. And thus, while trying to juggle those
    two opposing agendas, they present themselves as friends at best or
    simply as unattractive and girls lose interest.

    If the first condition is met and a girl doesnt find you physically
    unattractive, it is your behavior that wins or loses the girl. Try to
    avoid all risks and drown girls in überniceness, confess your feelings
    (that is a fear move, do not do that) and do everything you can instead
    of actually confronting your sexual/romantic interest and your chances
    are beyond abysmal. And they are abysmal for as long as a man doesnt
    want to accept that primary rule.

    Girls are not like us. Not only are they conditioned to be the passive
    part in that entire dance, it is very often their romantic and sexual
    prefernce that the man initiates. That the man initiates the move,
    escalates physically and elevates the energy from a platonic one to a
    sexual/romantic one. And you cannot achieve that with your words.
    Confessing your feelings is attempt to flip the script. It is motivated
    by the wish to avoid all risks, so men try to get a 100 % confirmation
    first that the girl wants them and then the men can finally act.

    Get that out of your head. If you confess your feelings youre basically
    communicating this:

    ‘I want you but Im too scared to make a move thats why I rather talk
    about my attraction than actually showing that Im attracted and that I
    want you and by doing this I want you to take lead. I want you, the
    woman, to take the lead when it comes to my or our sexual/romatnic
    interest and my or our wish to move things from a platonic relationship
    and friendship to a sexual/romatnic one’.

    You never wanne do that. It tells a girl that the guy is neither
    confident nor courageous. Most girls do not require you to be the
    experienced don juan, über confident and smooth. What 9,8 out of 10
    girls want though, is that the man has at least enough balls do
    something. And talking about your feelings is not really a move. It is
    the attempt to avoid having to take risks. You thus want the girl to
    make the move, to start getting phyiscal, to tell you what to do and
    when to do it so that you do not have to worry about any risks or making
    mistakes. You want the girl to hold your hand.

    Trust me, bro, that is the last thing you wanne do. Even being clumsy
    (but ballsy), über inexperienced (but congruent), even making mistakes
    and maybe a bit akward (but authentic) is infinitely better than trying
    to turn the woman into the initiatior. You never wanne do that.

    Make a real move and let the dice roll. Put yourself into a position
    where you can be rejected directly and you simultaneously also put
    yousrelf into the position to actually win. If you try to avoid that,
    then you will have a hard time to ever realize your potential. It will
    most often than not lead directly into girls friendzone.

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