I’m confused on what went wrong. We’ve been dating for roughly two months so it’s not a whole lot of time lost but I really liked her and thought she felt the same. She asked to take it slow, so I agreed and was happy getting to know her on a deeper level. We’ve had some great dates, romantic as well as lots of outdoor activities and long drives, I helped her move into a new place on our first couple dates too which I felt would maybe create a stronger bond and showcase communication in the beginning. Maybe that was just wishful thinking. She told me she really likes me but isn’t feeling a spark, suggesting to be friends.

I appreciate her honesty but know I won’t be able to be friends with her because of how much I like her and wanted to eventually ask her to be my girlfriend. I’ve been extremely cautious since my last LTR and hadn’t felt ready until her. She didn’t feel the same way in the end. I was clear with my intentions that I liked her and she would always want to see me 2-3x a week. What did I do wrong? Did I do anything wrong?

I’m not looking to force any connection so I won’t reach back out to her but that was a curveball I wasn’t expecting.

Any advice to feel better about this would be appreciated.

  1. The purpose of dating is to see if it’s a good fit. This wasn’t for her. It doesn’t mean you did anything wrong, it’s just not a good fit.

  2. OP. She found her spark with someone else. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Check her social media posts in a few days.

  3. 2 months is about the time you know someone enough to see if it’ll work or not. Sounds like you just weren’t the fit for her, it sucks but all you can do is cut ties and keep on keepin on

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