Have you ever turned down a woman, and why?

  1. Yes. Just remembered this earlier today. She said that she doesn’t eat leftovers and throws out any food that she doesn’t eat instantly after making it. I want children one day, I don’t need my significant other to be a child as well.

  2. A few times. I had peace, brotherhood, and a great daily routine to where I was extremely happy. I was not willing to move anything around to fit dating into my daily life. They were lovely and beautiful but in life you must learn that sometimes relationships are filled with infatuation and not reality. When you’re happy in your life surrounded by great people you have to learn to put infatuation to the side and stick to reality. There is no fulfillment like self fulfillment.

  3. Many times. Usually, because they are not attractive, seem emotionally damaged, and/or are intoxicated.

  4. Was invited to a threesome a couple hours away. I turned it down because she (my ex) wouldn’t speak to me alone or meet up with me for coffee or lunch afterwards. Pretend we don’t know each other, get in, do your thing and get out.

    I don’t like feeling used.

  5. Yep, didn’t have protection and we were both hammered. And I had just met her, she was a friend of a friend. She was ready but I was 19 and wasn’t going to take that risk. So glad I passed on that. She got pregnant that night by some one else;)

  6. A couple of times. Because they were flaky and couldn’t decide what they want. I don’t like being perpetually confused when I’m dating someone, that’s not the vibe I’m going for, so I politely walk away when I catch a whiff of that.

  7. Yep. She was too drunk. Wanted to give me a bj, I said no. For bonus points she threw up about 2 minutes later, thank god I dodged that bullet, that would have been some lifelong trauma haha.

  8. Yes. I had a gf at the time and chose to stay faithful. I was also a virgin at the time, so it took a great deal of effort on my part. She was far more attractive than my gf at the time, and we honestly clicked more, but i just chalked it up to being long distance for a few months.

    Unfortuanly, as it turns out, my ex did not have this problem and lost her virginity during our time away.

    It sucked but i am glad i still did the right thing.

  9. Yea. I’m pretty sure she needed a therapist more than a boyfriend.

  10. Yes. There’s one woman that would give me nearly everything I look for in a relationship. But, there are a few key things that I know wouldn’t make us work. I let her down easily, and she understood and agreed.

  11. In a relationship, didn’t like her looks, didn’t like her personality, didn’t like her looks or personality, was creepy, thought of them as friends, wasn’t in the right headspace, etc.

  12. Yeah

    We had been hooking up, but between neither of us being ready for a relationship and the fact that she was extremely controlling, manipulative, jealous, and emotionally unpredictable I stopped talking to her.

    She later texted me about how nobody would show up to her graduation party, and she wanted me to come see her. I met her family for a bit and they were all great. But when we went to drive to the gas station for snacks, she crawled into my lap and tried to kiss me. When I said no (very gently, mind you) she screamed “OH MY FUCKING GOD,” slammed my car door as she got out, and then proceeded to text me about what a horrible asshole I was for about an hour thereafter.

    We didn’t talk for several more months when I randomly got a text from her. She was friendly, then went on to say something about “you know there’s all kinds of awful things I could say about you ;).” So I blocked her on texting, and she proceeded to block me everywhere else to really SHOW me.

  13. Yes. Many times. Either unfit, unattractive, or I was already in a relationship

  14. I have always been a little liberal with sex and not always in the healthiest ways. after a bad experience and dealing with a few personal issues in my life i wanted to work on being a better human. I’ve always been pretty good at respecting women but definitely did somethings that i am not proud of.

    so after a bar night with some friends i went back to one of my friends houses. she was pretty drunk. I was never against hooking up with girls I was friends with, and had on numerous occasions but that night i went to the couch and laid down. her bed room door was parallel to me just off the living room.

    she walked in and started taking her clothes off. top first, breasts out , then bent down. pants off. just panties. it definitely felt like she knew exactly what she was doing. we were flirting a lot having a good time. she invited me to crash there…. i was like yup this is an attempted hook up.

    i was enjoying the view, i was tempted and I knew if i did or didn’t i would regret it either way. She was too drunk, i was too drunk and this isn’t the type of girl i mess around with unless i’m serious or for sure know it’s just a bit of fun

    so i got up walked over and closed her door. she said “hey!”. i said “go to bed you’re too drunk”.

    that morning we had breakfast with some friends and her roommate and talked about the night and she openly laughed and pointed out turned her down and it was a little cold. i just said that would have been a bad idea.

    we are still friends, wife and i are both friend with her and her fiancé, actually going on his bachelor party soon . she still brings it up once in awhile when we talk about all the crazy shit we used to do and nights we had before we became responsible.

    and i love it, because that may have been the first times i was faced with temptation and made the right choice, and it was a sign i was growing up.

  15. Yeah.

    When I just got out of relationship, when I did not find her physically attractive, when she was creepy af. Those were the causes

  16. Yes.. because I wasn’t interested. Simple as

    I remember one of my sisters friends back in my teenage years asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend because she really liked me and I straight up said no and I remember her starting to beg me please. Had to keep saying no until she got the hint.

    Been other times too. I’m just not interested in her. It’s that simple. Not my type.

    I also rejected a woman customer last year who asked for my number and again.. she just wasn’t my type.

  17. This girl I hung out with for a while was a virgin and I stopped everything once our clothes started to come off because I knew that she would end up being emotionally attached to me and I wasn’t into her like that. I couldn’t get the potential future repercussions out of my head.

  18. Absolutely.

    For whatever reason, when you get serious with a girl, all the rest come out of the woodwork

    It’s an odd thing

  19. Many times, three reasons:

    1: She was married

    2: Too drunk, really don’t want to take advantage of someone when they can barely walk.

    3: Later on in life, I was married.

  20. Sexually? Yes. I don’t have casual sex, and have been offered it several times. Like I want a relationship or to be on course for a relationship before I consider sex.

    I also turn down polyamorous women because I want monogamy, and don’t want to emotionally attach to someone where monogamy will never be on the table.

    Later in life I joined the BDSM community, and have rejected women that wanted things that I frankly didn’t. Basically entirely different sexual tastes. Like I have been offered the ability to be part of a train on a woman, and have been offered the ability to join an orgy, I turned both down because it isn’t my taste. My taste for casual pickup play would be nude massage and impact play with no explicit sex.

    For a date? Yes. I was the victim of many false approaches in school. As the game goes, one girl would dare another girl to ask out a joke candidate, both to embarrass the girl by making them approach their target (me) and humiliate the target (me.) This got me very defensive to any approach from a girl (at the time) or a woman (now.) I would refuse each time to defuse the situation, and negate the power of the post yes rejection. Teenagers are fucking evil.

  21. I’m a woman and I got turned down at trivia night. Those cute, brainy guys at the table next door did not come to play…that kind of game.

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