My friend and I were getting pretty close recently and so I asked her out. She said yes and we set a date and plans. She had something come up so we had to cancel but she said she would like to reschedule and was sorry.

I asked her out again over text and she said yes so I told her I’d like to talk about it in person. I felt things had changed between us and she was less talkative to me so I wanted to talk in person.

I mentioned how things had changed and she seemed a little upset that I thought that. So I asked if she still wanted to go on the date and she said yes and we made plans and she said she would text me about it later and see me tomorrow.

After that conversation ended she texted me minutes later asking why I thought things had changed. I replied and then she never responded to my reply. She never reached out about the date like she said she would. So now I have went out of my way to avoid her.

I’m hurt she would lie to me like that. Is it immature or wrong for me to cut her off for this?

TLDR: Friend accepted a date from me 3 times but lead me on and never tried to go after I gave her 3 chances to tell me no. She said yes each time just to let me down. Is it ok to cut her off/ block her

  1. It seems like she’s been stringing you along and not being honest about her intentions. Cutting her off might be the best option for you to move on. Trust your instincts and do what feels right for you.

  2. Maybe she didn’t know how to say no, but then got cold feet or was uncomfortable. I don’t know if the relationship is salvageable, though.

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