Men that move from one girl to the next so quickly: how do you do it?

  1. First we cry in pillow. Then we take a shower and text the next

  2. Not that I’m working towards having a backup plan or anything when I’m dating a woman but I’m generally a friendly guy on social media and engage with people constantly in small conversations that usually end up with “we should hang out soon”. Once that soon comes around it’s just a matter of reaching out and there you go!

  3. When I did do this. With no emotional attachment. And by leading with my penis.

  4. I did it by ignoring the emotional issues I had from childhood and letting romantic and sexual attachment fill the void.

  5. Just got out of a 10 year relationship. I don’t know if I’m ready to date, certainly don’t know if I’m ready for another relationship, but I sure as shit know I’m ready to not be sitting here alone all the time

  6. I’ve been led on and burned a few times after getting my hopes up, which has made me jaded and given me an unhealthy view of relationships – that’s the key.

  7. Because sometimes you just know what you want. Either a quick night with girl or looking for “The One.”

    However, always be honest with your intent. It helps

  8. They were a shit root and I’m no longer interested. This can suck because I’ve obviously invested enough time into getting to know them to get so far but if they’re just not what I’m after in bed then it’s going to be a long term issue.

  9. There are three ways to go about it. The first is to have already had a mutual understanding that it was a short term thing (one night stand, or a short term friends with benefits deal) that’s not too bad if done correctly and all is well with both parties.

    Second is to have fallen out with a girl. Whether it’s your fault or hers, something has happened where you just do not care for her the way you used to. At this point you have already dealt with any emotions within yourself that would be stopping you. So it’s less of a problem. Of course it’s more nuanced than that, she may or may not agree with you and be hurt by it, and you may have regrets later, but that’s the gist of it.

    The third is to lust so hard for someone else that you completely abandon your current partner in pursuit of another. This almost always hurts everyone involved in the end. I’ve never seen it work out. I think most people do this once or twice and learn their lesson.

  10. I have been through different phases in my life. Teens – bang everything. In my 20s I found someone to be in a LTR. After that back to banging. Now I have a steady partner again. IDK, gotta bust a nut I suppose.

  11. My heart broke a long time ago. It can never break again, i made sure of it

  12. It really depends on the reason for the breakup. I tend to get back in the saddle quickly after a dead bedroom-type split (especially if I initiated the process).

  13. My first thought was “legs”, but then obviously cars and public transport also factor in to the equation.

  14. Men don’t tend to attach as quickly as women. Testosterone inhibits oxytocin, which is crucial in bonding. You ever hear a woman who just got engaged say she has known for a while, and was just waiting on him? It’s nearly a trope. Turns out there are some good, peer reviewed studies that bears this out.

    He moves on before he has time to bond with her. That’s the simple answer.

    If you want a man to bond with you, you need to get him to spend time with you. You need to be pleasant to be around. A lot of folks these days hate hearing that, but it appears to be hardwired into us. It is what it is.

  15. Easy, the new model puts out while the other only cries about her stupid ex. Change my mind?

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