I got a few matches when I first made a profile, but nothing became an actual date everā€¦ I feel like I was just matched with fake profiles to start a conversation and keep me on the app, and now I donā€™t get any likes at all. Did I ruin my profile? Or am I just boring and ugly? Any and all tactful advice and suggestions welcomeā€¦

*EDIT* I toned down the excitement on the about me, looking for another picture to replace the group pic atm

**EDIT 2** Just so everyone is aware, the dog is a foster. I take one in every now and then so the poor bois donā€™t get euthanized.


  1. I (30sF) think you’re really cute. I don’t like dogs so I would pass on that basis but I know a lot of women love them so don’t take that badly.

    The only thing that gives me pause is that you have two pics with other hot ladies in them…I know that’s probably a professional hazard given your job but could you find a pic with a guy friend to swap out for one of them?

  2. Youā€™re really cute! I donā€™t love the group shot photo but it wouldnā€™t make me swipe the bad direction XD Smart that you labeled that woman in the photo as your personal trainer but it sounds like even having a picture with another woman in it bugs some women. You seem fun and charming!

  3. I know a lot of women swipe based on height so anyone under 6′ is going to have a harder time. But you are really cute and I like your profile! What kind of video games do you play?

  4. Your profile looks good to me. Might just be the dating pool you’re in. You’re a bit short which some people might be filtering out. I personally would date a short guy but I’m 5’3 so everyone is taller than me haha. Also nothing you can do about that so it is what it is. But your profile has good energy!

  5. Youā€™re cute, but Iā€™m not a dog person, you have multiple pictures with other girls, and im not a huge fitness buff so I wouldnā€™t swipe because of values differencesz

  6. Where were you when I was single? Seriously. But yeah just swap out the pic in scrubs for something else. Arm position is weird.

  7. Honestly, itā€™s probably because of your height, but thereā€™s nothing you can do about that. Iā€™d ditch the last pic. You canā€™t see anything. I donā€™t see anything wrong with your profile. Shows a good amount of personality & positivity.

  8. >Or am I just boring and ugly?

    Absolutely not. You’re not getting likes, let alone matches, because women cannot ***see*** your profile in the first place. This is great example of how height filters ***can*** obscure decent guys from the marketplace. Everyone is entitled to their preferences, but plenty of women shorter than you have established filters above 5’6.

    Back in 2019, NPR’s *Morning Edition* followed the journey of an LA-based attorney who hired a matchmaker. The final interview transcript is [here](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/702520833). Of particular note is the fact that Kat and Kevin frequented the same bar, during the same time frame, and yet never met despite both of them using apps. How could this happen? Kat’s admission is telling:

    >I think – I had a weird dating app strategy and honestly, like, didn’t go out with anyone who was under 6 feet tall. And you don’t know Kevin that well, but he’s under 6 feet tall.

    So she spent $6K to find a guy right under her nose (not really accurate, they appear to be around the same height lol).

  9. This is probably one of the best if not the best profile Iā€™ve ever seen posted on Reddit for a review. Your pictures are great, your bio is light-hearted and funny and youā€™re attractive.

    The sad truth is that your height is basically making you invisible on the app. Iā€™m 5ā€™8 and have the same problem.

    I will say though that Bumble kinda sucks in most areas these days, try hinge if you havenā€™t yet, tons of people tell me they found their wives on there. Otherwise if that doesnā€™t work, your best bet is to join a club or something and start cold approaching.

    Best of luck homie.

  10. There is nothing wrong with your profile. You seem really great. Iā€™m sorry it is probably your height that is causing most women to not match. Itā€™s also giving a slightly feminine vibe, maybe the presence of other women or just a couple poses / pics. Women may be put off by a shorter guy who is perceived as feminine and mostly around other women? But really itā€™s not anything youā€™ve done wrong.

  11. The photos with other women gives me a little pause (as in, am I competing for attention?) and I also like a little more specificity on hobbies (eg: any specific cuisines for cooking or genres/authors/directors for books and movies) so that the convo doesnā€™t start on a boring ā€œsooooā€¦what kind ofā€¦.ā€

  12. I tend to swipe left when I see multiple pictures of the man with hot women, because I assume thatā€™s what theyā€™re looking for and Iā€™m going to be compared to that standard constantly. (Iā€™ve also been told men tend to take those pictures to show off to other men, so the possession/objectification angle is also a turn-off for me.)

  13. Iā€™d swipe right. The bathroom pic isnā€™t my favorite thoughā€”can you do a different one in your scrubs? On a side note, as someone whoā€™s about to move to AZ, the sunset picture is beautiful and makes me excited to check it out.

    Edit: Maybe itā€™s just me but Iā€™d delete the šŸ™‚ in the last response. I like emojis, smileys and stuff but too many can be noticeable in not-such-a-great way.

  14. I think your profile is pretty good tbh. You’re cute, your prompts are fun. Maybe it’s the height thing. But also, who are you swiping on? Be honest with yourself about if you’re limiting your options because of who you swipe. If there are dealbreakers that’s understandable, but I’ve found you have to balance being both open-minded and selective in a way, to get higher quality matches.

    For example, I recently matched with a guy who isn’t typically my type. He’s cute, but is a very gym going, beefy type, which isn’t who I normally get along with. But he had some specific things in his profile that stuck out to me about his interests/politics and we’ve been having a nice conversation so far. Hopefully we’ll meet up soon. But my first instinct was to swipe past, tbh!

  15. You’re a good looking guy, if you’re struggling then we’re all fucked.

    My only comment is ditch photo 3 of you in your nursing scrubs. That pose is maximum cringe. You don’t need it

  16. You seem like a nice guy, you have good photos and you’re well set in your life….and that’s still not enough on a dating app.

    Truth is dating apps are just a trash way to meet people now. They used to be somewhat usable a few years ago, but the algorithm and bot spam has made them worthless.

    Your height definitely doesn’t help (not saying a good personality can’t make up for it), but I’m 5’10 and still got radio silence for 8months on them.

    It doesn’t matter.

    Bumble is also an *incredibly cruel* dating app. it just has too many restrictions to be viable. A good first impression is so critical to getting a match, so what sense does it make to pay wall, sending a goddamn message to someone?? 1 message/compliment a day is absurd.

    Try Hinge. I still got largely ignored there too, but at least I actually got dates there before I gave up on Hinge too.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is, your profile is good. You seem like a good man. It’s just a shame your efforts are being wasted in an environment that snuffs that out.

  17. I met my gf on hinge and weā€™re getting engaged soon. Iā€™m 5ā€™6 and smaller frame than you. So stand tall short king! Your page focuses a lot on physical and outdoor activities and that may be a turn off for some girls. I love hiking, workouts and run but left most of that out of my page. My gf is not as big into working out as me so that may help you? Just a thought.

  18. I really like your first picture and it would capture my attention right away. I would do away with the picture of you with your trainer. Even though she might be a friend whenever I see pictures like these I can’t help but wonder if there will be multiple women vying for the match’s attention.

    As for the text you come across as very upbeat and I like that. My one suggestion would be to add specifics so a match has something to open the conversation. Ex. as a movie buff is there a particular genre of film you really like?

    It sucks to say but I think your height might be affecting the number of matches you are getting. With online dating people seem to get transfixed on selection criteria that they wouldn’t have if they met someone in the wild. You should also try branching out and joining hobby groups and clubs that align with your interests (ex. a book club).

  19. Others have said before, the height thing is going to filter a lot of women out but you know this already. I would change the following:

    * Change “nurse” to “Medical professional” Let the topic of your specific profession and duties come up in conversation or on a date. Nursing is an incredible profession but unfortunately, there’s a societal stigma against male nurses.
    * Your “about me” is overly emotive with exclamation points. You’re describing yourself like a 19 year old girl would.
    * I would overhaul it completely. You work out, like to watch movies, and like to eat. You and everyone else. Your profile just screams “Friend energy” What are your values? What makes you unique over everyone else? What is a part of your world that would intrigue someone into wanting to be a part of it?
    * No to you with the group pic of all the other women. Only women that should be in your pictures are relatives (Clearly stating as such)
    * Your “If I could eat one meal” prompt is a waste of space. I get that you want to make a dad joke but again, you’re giving off buddy vibes. I always had a lot of success with the “What makes a relationship great” prompt and responding by saying 2 people cooking Sunday Dinner together. Turn your prompts into cues that put your potential match in your shoes and your world. ‘I like mushrooms’ doesn’t do it.
    * The selfie of you in the bathroom in your scrubs is really cringe. Bathroom selfies are never a good idea.
    * 2 truths: You already mention that you speak Japanese and this would be the 3rd mention that you love cooking. Find another prompt altogether.
    * No to the trainer pic. Maybe something of you working out, flipping a tire, doing something active, etc…but having a very cute girl hanging on you is not what other women want to see.

    DMs are open if you have any feedback or questions. I’m happy to help in more detail. You’re a good looking dude but you just give off the wrong energy I think.

  20. Hi, are you Japanese or half Japanese? I’m asking because the last photo of the rising sun flag is extremely offensive to a lot of East Asian people, as it’s their equivalent of the Nazi flag (I say this as a Korean male). The photo is beautiful but I would take it out if any of your potential matches are Asian women.

    Otherwise I don’t really have any advice for you. You are handsome and seem to have a good personality. Hope you have better luck!

  21. Hi! 35F in NYC for reference.. you seem like a good looking guy who seems fun + good energy, but hereā€™s my tweaks / suggestions..

    Iā€™m not a dog person, but most people are so I think your first photo is a good photo, but definitely take out the bathroom selfie, the giant group photo, and the gym selfie and swap it for other photos of you only and maybe 1 group photo with 2-3 friends. I always swipe left when I see a guy with other women or kids in his photos.

    Iā€™m on the shorter side so 5ā€™6 is not a height issue for me, and anyone thatā€™s filtering guys out based on taller height preferences is narrowing their options, so whatā€™s a dealbreaker for some is going to be a yellow flag or green flag for others – always lead with honesty!

    The bio / prompts.. a few small tweaks.. I always swipe left when bios or prompts use the verbiage ā€œmustā€ or ā€œhave toā€ that feels like aggressive language. Words matter.. so totally okay to like going to the gym or working out but maybe rephrase it that you value your health and staying active – do you like other activities that you can do with someone together like hiking, or cycling or something in that space? Loving to cook is great – throw in some recipes you like, or a photo of you cooking. I donā€™t want to think of something negative reading someoneā€™s profile like food spoiling.. is there an area of PHX that has some great restaurants you enjoy or want to try? Positive language is best. Movie buff is great! Could you add in a favorite movie in there?

    Prompts.. Food. mushrooms are apparently one of those polarizing foods. Is there another meal or food you can put in there? or a country you want to visit or go back to or a recipe you want to try? Iā€™m not a huge fan of two truths and a lie prompt but this one seems okay, and last one perfect first date – I like this prompt – maybe tweak it up and something like great food and drinks and connecting over x, y, and z. Or whatā€™s your favorite drink?

  22. Replace the pictures with women and replace the awkward mirror Barbie girl arm pose and youā€™re good

  23. 30f. You genuinely seem great!! Personally, I would take out pictures with other girls in them. šŸ™‚
    I donā€™t think height or animals are an obstacle at all.

    I hope you find some good matches. IRL or on app.

  24. Iā€™d get rid of the photos with the other women. I wouldnā€™t mind the personal trainer one, but the one with all women is kinda odd. There isnā€™t even another guy in the photo to help even it out. And, as other said itā€™s probably height. A lot of women are probably not even seeing you because of that filter. Try removing it entirely. Something else to consider is the longer youā€™re on the app, the further you get pushed down. Might be worth it delete it for awhile.

  25. Iā€™m a dude but Iā€™m going to say itā€™s your location, or just the fact bumble fucks with algorithms, and they are a business trying to make money now.

    Iā€™d cycle through all the apps, make a profile on one for a month then nuke it and switch to the next, always kill the old profile and start fresh each time, it helps boost your visibility. At some point Iā€™m sure they will crack down on this.

    Everyone saying itā€™s your height, well great nothing you can do about that, as someone over 6ā€™ I have plenty of dude friends that are 5ā€™3ā€+ and those fuckers pull. I may be able to reach the top shelf but Iā€™m so so alone. šŸ˜šŸ¤£šŸ˜Ŗ

  26. I think the problem here is your pics. You’re a good looking guy and you don’t seem boring. I would swipe right but you need to change almost all the pics.

    The first one is good.

    Get rid of the 2 pics with other women, especially the group shot. It’s not that flattering of you and makes you look like you’re showing off, especially since you’re in the middle. I personally think the personal trainer pic is fine but lots of women won’t.

    Absolutely get rid of the public bathroom selfie. This is one of the worst profile pic mistakes ever and it’s so common. Public bathrooms are gross. Nothing appealing about them.

    The pic with your guy friend is ok although the lighting is not good.

    The last pic of you as a silhouette is bleh. It’s just not helpful in showcasing what you look like.

    Edit: I swear you’ve posted this exact profile before and everyone told you about the personal trainer and someone mentioned the rising sun flag.

  27. I would have swiped yes to your profile until I saw the pics with women.

    Thatā€™s a lot of women youā€™re standing with and it made me wonder why you thought it would be good to add it to your profile. I have trouble thinking of good intentions with this. I probably would have still thought you were okay but that I would need to find out. Then I saw your hot gym trainer and the fact that she represents enough about you that she made it to your profile? I could never see myself feeling comfortable enough to take my clothes off for that guy.

  28. Maybe itā€™s just me but I appreciate when people post group photos but place stickers over their friendsā€™ faces. It might look a little funny looking but I appreciate someone who is mindful of peopleā€™s privacy (tho maybe your friends gave you consent to have their faces on your profile I dunno).

  29. Just my two cents as another dude, but you come across as really indecisive. The first two sentences are both “I like X, but you don’t have to”, combined with a vague generality (I like movies and novels — why? what types?), and “open to kids” suggests you don’t really know what you want or what you’re looking for.

    Your two-truths-and-a-lie is also redundant with your bio.

  30. No issues with the height, dog, or females in the pictures. I personally find your prompt answers to be off putting . Iā€™m not a huge fan of guys putting generic prompt answers about a made up future relationship status- like ā€œif we datedā€ or ā€œyou and meā€ or ā€œwonā€™t make YOU go to the gymā€. It just seems really desperate and like you already have an idea of how you expect a relationship to be like before even meeting the right person. Thatā€™s just my take.

  31. I think you are very handsome, have a good job, and seem like a fungi (sorry, couldnā€™t resist). You have a great smile and kind eyes, so my suggestion would be to replace the group picture and any pictures with women in it, and try to find more of you smiling.

    Or you could move to my area and Iā€™d happily go out with you.

    But in all seriousness, I donā€™t really see anything wrong with your profile. It looks solid to me. Wishing you luck!

  32. Good profile. And youā€™re good looking but honestly why men add pictures with other women would you swipe right on a womanā€™s profile with lots of hot dudes. I know youā€™re a male nurse and they might be your colleagues but could you swap it for different pictures maybe something where youā€™re doing some activities or itā€™s a group of men and women?

  33. You didn’t mention it in your post, but I’m assuming you’re a straight man looking for a woman, so I’ll tailor my advice to that.

    Your profile says you’re into fitness, and maybe that’s mostly cardio. You look lean but you could really use some muscle mass in the upper body. Just suggesting this because you want to attract women, and women like muscles. Don’t mean to disrespect, at all. On this posts profile picture with your dog, your arms are on the small scale and doesn’t do your claim justice that you’re into fitness. Maybe it’s an old photo. I would say update it if that’s the case, or consider adding lifting more to you’re regime to build some mass, because again, most women are into that.

    Another point. You have a picture on your profile of you exercising with another woman. Though in our man brain we think that gives off vibes of us being attractive, it actually turns some women off. Alot of women get the impression you get too much female attention, and the competition turns some women off. I would suggest you not post any photos with women on your profile if you’re looking for a woman. Group photos with friends are fine. You want to steer clear from any impression you’re a player. Also, same picture, your posture of your arm on your hip looks like your grip is behind your back with your hips slightly to the side, which is a very feminine way of posing. If you’re a man looking for a woman, you want to be as masculine as you can be, because again, that’s what a straight woman is looking for. It’s all about embracing your masculinity.

    You have a great face and smile. Career. And it’s obvious you travel. So that’s really good stuff and you’re working with it. Keep in mind your competition is a bunch of other guys trying to do the same stuff. So you gotta stand out. Women love going on adventures and cute picturesque places. You did a little of that at the end picture , but it’s hard to tell whats going on. Always try to incorporate more of that in your profile to show the world you are cultured and a traveler. I promise you it’s night and day. When I was OLD, the moment I uploaded my European travel pics, the matches increased 200%, because I now had pretty backgrounds with me smiling, vs a mirror selfie shot in the work bathroom

  34. Group pic, posing with girls pic, gots to go.

    Once that is cleaned up, I think you’ll fair better.

    Leave the dog pic.

  35. I think youā€™ve posted before and the consensus was to remove the pic with your personal trainer.

    I think other than that the profile looks good but try Hinge as well and replace the fitness photo if you can. If itā€™s strictly to do with your height nothing to do but be patient.

  36. Dont just say fitness, indicate what exactly in fitness.
    You smile in every single photo. That could be too much.
    Too much emojis.

    You wonā€™t go out with a specific kind of girls. For whatever reasons. So add that to your profile, as that will suggest you are not trying to sleep with every match you get.

  37. I think you look great. Fit, job, great hair and teeth. Speak other languages and have experience abroad.

    Ditch the gym pic: we can already tell youā€™re fit
    Ditch photo with imperial flag. I bet you have way more interesting pictures from japan. Mirror pics are a no for me, but scrubs always look nice. We love job security lol
    embrace your ā€˜short kingā€™ identity

  38. Please don’t do “two truths and a lie.” Why start with a lie? Many dating coaches recommend against it. While I know people think it’s a cute game, I and many women I know always swipe left on profiles with it. I doubt we’re alone.

    I’d also remove the “good spread” comment or rephrase it. Perhaps it’s innocent, but it sounds like a double entendre. Because you’re looking for a relationship, it feels like a hint you’re lying about what you’re looking for.

    Edit to add: I’m an educated, financially secure woman in a newish relationship. (Dating but no DTR yet, which I don’t feel I need yet.) My goal is a LTR leading to marriage.

    Also: If you love dogs and they’re important in your life, definitely keep your foster pups in your profile. You should mention fostering, too. It’s really nice and probably a green flag for most animal lovers. It is for me.

  39. As a dude, my advice is to say that your prompt responses seem a bit generic and boring honestly. Like the perfect first date reply says nothing – it’s literally the baseline for any date. Be more creative and suggest something unique that you’d like to try. In general express yourself more – you lived 5 years in Japan, and that was formative enough to make you put it in your profile – do something with that background or knowledge to infuse your profile with that flavor.

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