What situation brought you to the lowest point in your life?

  1. My parents died within a year of each other, and I had been a caregiver for my mom for years at that point so when they passed I was suddenly alone, I went crazy, I spent through all the inheritance they left me and then I ended up homeless for 18 months, 6 months of those living out of my car in the heat of a Southern summer. Wasn’t great.

  2. In a six month span I list my business, got a divorce after 17 years, and lost my house moving into my friend’s spare bedroom. Oh and I was just about to turn 40.

  3. Instead of enrolling in uni after graduating, getting student housing setup etc., with cosy time to spare until my living situation would change etc., I went to work for my father in a desperate bid to keep his company afloat.

    My grandfather, who up until that point had still been working with my dad, had been diagnosed with late stage cancer not long before and was unable to continue working. At the same time, their only secretary had quit.

    My dad was taking all of this so poorly that he’d have rage fits virtually every day. Smashing things on the floor, ripping up important papers, screaming at literally everyone trying to interact with him. He started working at most a handful of hours a day, having his first couple drinks during work and then getting completely shitfaced & stoned in the evenings, only to arrive back to work hungover the next day at 12 noon, go on a lunch break, start drinking at 3, work til 4 and then go home again.


    Seeing him like this just kind of broke me. My own mental health issues that I had just gotten halfway under control worsened to a hitherto unseen degree. My financial situation got worse and worse because while we had agreed that I’d receive min wage for my work (which was ridiculous given what I was actually doing, but I was trying to help family ofc…) he “forgot” to pay me for months. When my mom decided on very short notice to move out to live with her boyfriend I ended up staying in the currently-being-built unrenovated apartment that my best friends mom owned cause I had nowhere else to go and no money, and I was certainly not going to live with my dad.

    He also ended up scamming me out of thousands of € because while he did end up paying me back for a part of my work (and while I already was fine being paid for full time work while in reality working *significantly* more than fulltime) he ended up deciding to register me with the tax afterall (which given our family status was legally optional) so he could use my salary as a tax writeoff, but then taking the money differential out of the pay he owed me… so I ended up losing a tax equivalent of money that *didnt actually go towards my health insurance, rent etc.,* that we hadnt agreed on beforehand anyway, so together with him never fully paying me back I was out thousands before even considering unpaid hours worked.


    At the end of that year, when I finally had an “excuse” to leave that work situation by going to uni afterall, I was mentally broken, could barely manage to leave the house, had the relationship with my father irreparably damaged, worked myself to the bone for a whole year for extremely little money, and while not literally living on the street was effectively homeless.


    Fun bonus:

    I studied philosophy and sociology. While I am a pretty significantly left leaning person (by european standards, not US standards) being in that living situation and then being confronted by people who genuinely see the world in completely black and white terms – “He’s a while male so he must be well off” was fucking crazy.

  4. Early 2021, my first winter alone in my house after my husband died. We got hit with a major blizzard, I was recovering from a shoulder injury that left me incapable of shoveling snow, the guy I hired to plow flaked on me, and everyone else I called was booked up… so I was pretty much just stuck at home alone depressed and stir crazy until shit started to melt 2 weeks later.

    Longest in my life I’ve gone with *no* IRL human contact, not even saving good morning to the Dunkins girl

  5. Last year when my ex decided to cheat and leave me for another dude while I was struggling to find a job. Took me damn near 2 years to find a job, she moved away last April and met that guy shortly after and they’ve been together since last August. Spent my first birthday and holidays (my birthday is always on the same week as thanksgiving) alone and I just felt like giving up around those times.

  6. Open heart surgery that went bad. I feel like I am living dead and wish they hadn’t pulled me through it. Agreed to the surgery to get my life back. Now all anyone can say is, “at least you didnt die.”

  7. I was told that I will always be alone because of what a horrible person I am. I gave up after that.

  8. I was with my ex for just under 3 years. The relationship was toxic, and drained me mentally and financially. By the end of it I had no money and couldn’t afford to live in that state anymore. So I took whatever I could fit in my car and drove across the country to stay in my sister’s guest room while I restarted life.

    I had to leave behind a job I enjoyed, all my friends, my cat, and all my shit. I have never been more depressed or suicidal than I was then. I struggled to find a full time job for months after being a professional hardwood floorer for 3 years, I felt so useless.

    I had planned to kill myself the day after my birthday, but that night I got a message on a dating app. We stayed up the whole night talking, just about dumb shit but it was fun, and I completely forgot what I had planned to do. That morning we went and got waffles.

    That was 14 months ago, we’ve been happily together since then.

  9. Losing my only grandpa, my uncle and aunt, losing my best friend’s mom and seeing both my mother and father cry on my shoulder.

    All of this happend in a span of 4 years, i was 14.

  10. Experiencing the trauma of my first love’s infidelity. That shit still hurts years later.

  11. When my sex addiction was out of control and I’d been with partner no 10 in two days. Dark days…

  12. Multiple of these low points..

    Losing my only brother to suicide.

    Recently losing my father to unknown condition while care giving for both my parents.

  13. Getting falsely accused of a felony and being on house arrest for two years

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