I don’t know why I feel this way. It must have started a long time ago because I’ve just realized I’ve never told them anything. I don’t tell them how I wanna make friends, how I want to go to this or that place, that I wanna be with this person, etc.

Like, every time something social happens, I feel this embarrassed feeling from them. I want to go to a place to hang out by myself, but it’s an endless cycle of telling myself, “oh, if I tell them I want to hang out with strangers, they are gonna say something stupid and ill probably do something stupid and ruin the event and then get made fun of here at home”. It’s prevented me from doing anything. Like, I want to go to hangout spots, I want to go to an arcade by myself, I want to do things by myself, but if I want to, I have to tell them where I am going and then I have to hear their inputs.

I can’t be the only one that thinks this way right?

1 comment
  1. it’s tough living at home and being required to tell you parents where you go all the time. I definitely used to make up stories about where I went, my go to was “I’m going to do homework at a cafe”. Once you move out it gets easier and these feelings will fade, you’ll start sharing more of your life with your family once you are not around them as much.

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