Sorry for the long read ahead…

I 33f am married to husband 30m, we will be 10 years on a few weeks, we have a 7 y/o son. We known each other for a few years before getting married (mutual friends) when I left my home because of an abusive household in fear of my life, but at that time obviously we were both minors at that time (I had some boyfriends before, but nothing sexual between me and them), we used to talk, and hang out all the time we kissed on ocassions (no sex), later when I turned 21, he was 18, things went a bit awkward with everyone else, saying that I was an adult being in a relationship with a minor, that I was grooming him, there wasn’t a problem before but it started the moment I turned 21, his parents didn’t mind at all about it, they knew we were dating long before we told them, and that they were just waiting until we were ready to tell them. When he turned 19, he proposed, by that time he had already a stable job/still is with his father company, and was building a place to live, he had already told his parents his intentions with me, and that he wanted to propose when the house was finished, that his father told him that he was happy and told him to ‘give that girl a better life like she deserves, make her happy’ (all his family knew about my family situation, it was the talk of the town at that moment) he and his father built it from the ground up, with some help from friends and other family members (they work at construction).

When we were making all the arrangements to get married, in a few weeks, by that time he was 20, just 6 months, from 21, his parents had to sign a consent for us to get married, and arrangements on the court, because it was his father who will be marrying us, he had a license for it.

We were out celebrating with some friends, and after instead of going home, we needed to get some stuff prepped in the new place for when me moved in together, in a few weeks. One thing led to another and we had sex for the 1st time, I’m still asking myself why we couldn’t wait a week and a half more, but well!

We got married, those 2 first years, were great, we barely keep off each other, then I got pregnant, everything was ok, there were a lot of complications during that time and was a lot in the hospital, they had to induce labor because there were health issues with me, my son was born, and not much later I was on a emergency surgery to get my appendix removed, I was in pain for about a week before I got to the hospital thinking it was because I pulled a muscle and was always taking muscle relaxers for it (I workout a lot, and have a very fit body, so having pulled muscles was a norm for me), the pain didn’t go away, I was told that I was almost too late. Everything was ok after, but some other health issues with me started to show, and I could see that my husband was scared for my life, he on some other occasions would mention that he felt so much pain when they told him about the complications on being pregnant, later about the emergency surgery, and he told me he was scared to loose me, that we just started our life together, and his panic attacks and anxiety started, he started taking med, and our sex life was on decline since that we still had our great moments, but his drive wasn’t the same, some years later we had a big hurricane our way, our house took some damage, then we were forced out of our home for a year when a earthquake broke part of it and the process to renew it was at halt because of the pandemic/shutdown started shortly, his very young aunt died of cancer, and later his grandmother too, It was too much for him, he was always scared for us, he started taking med for depression too. My dossage went up too, and the sex between us was at 0 for a while, a year and a half ago we moved back to our place, and we were distant with each other, always fighting, yelling to each other, I could see he wasn’t happy, he could see the same, we talked and started therapy together, and he told me everything that was on his mind, that he was scared and was afraid of something happening to me and leaving him and our son alone, that we was so stressed out because of everything thats been happening lately and that we needed time to grieve and feel normal but the meds he was on, made him feel good, even when the situation was not, he told me that he didn’t cried or felt anything when his family members died, that he felt numb by them.

After a while his meds were lowered as of mine too, and things get to be better, I could see an improvement in our live and eventually in our sex life, later we started to experience with different thing, like using toys, masturbating (I didn’t like touching myself before), going down on each other, watching something together, anal stuff for both of us, getting to know us more in a sexual way, then the meds were lowered again and It felt again the same as it was the first years together, we couldn’t be appart from each other for long period of time, we started to integrate a bit of bdsm because I wanted to try it, and I felt that I was more turned on by it, he wasn’t so sure about it, still isn’t but we try to make it as safe as posible as his request.

5 days ago, we were at it, I felt an explotion inside me, like never before, it was great, after a few minutes he stopped and told me: Since the first time I saw you all those years ago, I knew you were going to be mine, even though I was a boy back then, I loved you, everything about you, you being so serious, being quiet, you trying to hide that smile to try to appear that you don’t have emotions about it and blushing whenever I said anything nice to you, even after all this years you still do, like you are doing right now, I know that you were raised being told that having or expressing any kind of emotions are a weakness, but I don’t see any kind of weakness in you. I know I was young, but I did everything I could for you, to have you in my life, I wanted you to be happy with me, and I with you. The marriage certificate was just a paper, a symbol, because we both knew you were already mine and I yours long before that. You gave me a son, the one person I love above all, a bond between us, , you have give me everything, and even more, today I felt like the 1st time we had sex, how lucky am I to have you, to know you, and what things you like, and a plus with that incredible body and you are all mine)

Yesterday I felt even more. I feel weird, I don’t know why, but my mind just drives off to those moments and I’m always smiling, because of it, and my husband notices, and I try to hide it behing a serious face with no success. I love him so much, and I feel sooooo horny all of the time, damn…, sorry about that, but it’s been difficult to go out with him and not wanting to have him right there in that moment.

Are couples with 10+ experience the same or is it even better? I was always told that with years everything turn out to be the same and become repetitive and dull, but for me I feel like he knows my body even more that I do.

Thank you for reading!!!

  1. My wife and I have been together for almost 20 years and from our experience it only gets better. You get more and more comfortable with not only your partner but also yourself. It turns out getting older isn’t all bad 😉

  2. 11 years together here and we’re having the best sex of our relationship. You learn each other’s bodies so intimately that it’s like every touch does the trick. It does ebb and flow though. Sometimes it’s more sometimes it’s less and sometimes there’s a night where it was just meh, that’s just life though.

  3. Fuck yeah. I tease my husband that our Marriage is old enough to smoke this year. Its been up and down and struggles and easy and periods of fuck off and fuck me but we’re growing and communicating and learning and doing it together. Love my darling. Even when he’s being an ass

  4. First of what a wholesome post! Second to answer your question it all comes down to communication and the will of both parties to making things work on the long run, I saw a post about a woman whose future husband was not so good in bed but once she let him learn on his own to open up their sex life improved completely. Another were a woman had an ex whose sex was amazing unfortunately her boyfriend was very vanilla so she asked Reddit what to do people told her to communicate how it is a big deal to her that she prefers things more rough, something she did the guy made a compromise and he ended up liking he rough style since then their sex life improved. Of course I’m not saying that when I am told to do something I must do it everyone must respect their partners boundaries but that lead to question the sexual compatibility, another woman expressed how she was sexual incompatible with an ex because he didn’t want to indulge in the rough/degrading style something her new boyfriend does so you get the idea. All in all like I said it comes to down to communication and compromise from both parties. I wish you the best OP!!!!

  5. 37 years here and wow wow wow!
    It only gets more exciting and adventurous! We know all the buttons to press at just the right moments.
    I still get butterflies when he smiles at me and he tells me the same is true for him. It’s obvious though.

    Wishing you both continued joy and blessings.

  6. 29+ years, and yes, it gets better! Which is saying a lot because it’s always been fantastic.

  7. My wife and I are best friends. Whether it’s concerts, fly fishing together, hanging with our kids or friends, even just playing cards during a quiet night…everyday gets better. There is gratitude and appreciation. Respect and admiration. I wouldn’t change a damn thing! Keep building memories, laugh a lot, and just enjoy the ride!! (Pun intended 😉 )

  8. The sex and relationship are as enjoyable as the partners make it. So many folks in general want great things to come for free and life just doesn’t work that way.

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