What is true love and how you know you find the one? How old is your relationship and what makes your love true?

  1. The concept of true love is subjective and can be defined differently by each individual. In my perspective, true love can be described as a profound connection between two people who are willing to go to great lengths to support each other, except for engaging in harmful or illegal activities. It entails a selfless commitment where individuals are willing to endure personal sacrifice, even if they feel discomfort or dislike towards the actions they undertake for the sake of their partner.

    I am engaged to my partner, whom I have known for two years, but it only took me 6 to 12 months to realize that she was the one I wanted to marry. Our love is true because it encompasses the qualities I described earlier. We exhibit selflessness, which when paired with how compatible we are makes for a strong bond.

    My advice for recognizing when it’s the right time to commit to someone is simple: you will feel it. I used to believe marriage required years of dating, but my perspective quickly changed when I met my partner. The notion of time faded away, replaced by a profound desire to continually earn the privilege of spending the rest of my life with her.

  2. Don’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever actually felt ‘true love.’

    My best guess is it’s meeting someone who’s company you enjoy more than your own, and, once you’re done busting a nut, you want to keep them around for pillow talk.

  3. True love is mutual care, respect, and support. No conditionals, no fear of the other leaving. It feels safe, warm, and just feels right. It’s choosing your partner over everyone else on a daily basis.

    I have been with my wife for 24 years. We are as in love now as we were at the start. Nothing has ever felt like this does. True love is the most singular feeling and experience I’ve ever known.

  4. There is no “the one”. You find someone who makes you feel good and who supports you and makes you better and you do the same for them.

  5. I don’t believe in a “one.” There’s 10 billion people on the planet; you have many potential “ones.” We call it true love when the connection is strong and stable.

    My wife and I have been together for almost 11 years. I knew I was going to marry her pretty early on; we took mushrooms together after about a year of dating, and during the trip I felt such intense love for her that I knew we were going to last, and she felt the same. We got married another two years later, and we’re still as strong as ever.

    What makes it “true love” for us? We almost never fight. We have an easy and relaxed way around each other. When we disagree, we just talk it out, and things work out so naturally that it usually doesn’t feel like a fight. We still find each other sexy, we still go on cute dates like we did ten years ago. We plan our future together. Our presence in each other’s lives is an assumed fact.

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