Men of Reddit (who smoke): How long after sunset do you feel it is okay to pee in the yard? Twilight? Hour after sundown? Midnight at least?

  1. I don’t smoke anymore, but I live in the country lol. I’ll piss in my yard any time

  2. Can I answer this as a non-smoker? Pretty much any time after dark and when my neighbors aren’t in their backyards 5′ away from me.

  3. When I owned a backyard, I’d pee out back as long as I was pretty sure neighbors weren’t around

  4. i only smoke weed, but i’ll piss in any part of my yard, anytime i need/want to, 24/7/365.25

  5. How is smoking relivant? I never intend to pee in my yard, sometimes i just need to very badly i will. Doesn’t matter what time it is.

  6. i live on 80 acres…. sometimes i just go outside to pee cause i feel like it

  7. Not a smoker, as that has nothing to do with peeing, but it’s my house and if I want to piss in my yard then you’ll be very hard pressed to stop me.

    Follow-up: why bother going outside when I can easily go inside at any time? Or just go before I walk outside?

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