For example, why are words like “one way”, “do not enter”, “stop”, “yield”, “speed limit”, etc. needed? I think the sign itself can already tell you. An upside-down red triangle is “yield”, a red circle with a horizontal white bar is “do not enter”, etc.

Another one would be signs that tell you the rules that are already known such as “Do not block intersection,” “Left turn yield on green,” or “Right turn on red must yield to U-Turn.” For this one, unless there is an exception, signs that state rules learned in the Driver’s Handbook are not needed.

  1. We use words because 99% of Americans speak English so we don’t need to accommodate speakers of other languages like Europe or Asia. As for Mexico most Americans don’t drive to Mexico and most Mexicans don’t drive to the US. I can count the number of times I have seen Mexican plates on a single hand

  2. I think a symbol with words is more clear than just a symbol. I have no problem with it.

  3. No, it’s designed to be understood by small children and that’s a good thing

  4. People need to be reminded of the rules because get forgotten. You seem to assume every driver is a good driver that knows all symbols and rules.

  5. I like the words. I think in words and not pictures. So it takes me a few seconds to remember a symbol. Plus, some symbols may be uncommon or ambiguous–adding words clears up any ambiguity.

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