I’m 18F, and graduated from a girls-only school. Never had any real interaction with the opposite gender. Any tips or common topics of interest apart from things like gaming or football?

  1. You don’t need specifics.

    He’s into X, ask how he got into it/when he first got into it, just be interested and ask follow up questions.

    Ask how *you* would get started if you were intrigued etc

    It’s really no different to speaking to anyone you don’t know already.

    Edit to add: we remember every compliment we ever get, because we get so few. If dude has good hair/shoes/eyebrows/smile/other please let him know, it will not be forgotten.

  2. Oh boy, you have a long road ahead lol

    Skip the specifics, everyone is into different things. Just talk about something relevant to what you’re both doing or throw out some funny banter. We tend to joke a lot.

  3. Everyone will have different topics. Just try to open a conversation. “Hi, do you go to this college?”, “Hi, how do you know the host of the party?” etc. There is no one way to open. Generally if you don’t already know a common topic, take where you are as a topic. Why/how are they there. Go from there. At a bar? Hey, wanna talk over a drink?
    Get good at smalltalk and listen. Don’t think about your next sentence, but listen what they say. Do they complain about hot weather? Why, do they work / excercise etc outside? Maybe suddenly you can ask about a hobby.
    If you make the first step, I’d say you already won. And don’t mind walking away from people if you find out they aren’t what you were looking for.

  4. That’s obviously gonna be huge dependent on the individual. Just like with girls, guys are all their own individual person with their own interests. There’s no universal interest guys have, just like there’s no universal interest girls have. You gonna have to play this on a person-by-person basis, just like you would with meeting women. So ASK him about what his interests are and go from there 😉 Going in with an assumption about what someone’s interests are based off their sex is a bad approach, and gonna lead to some awkward situations lol. It’d be like me going up to a random girl and saying “hey what’s your favorite Taylor swift song? I bet your favorite color is pink! Don’t you hate sports? I sure do!” or something like that lol. You’re just stereotyping and being tacky. There’s a chance you get it right, but there’s also a chance you look like an asshole. People are individuals and should be treated as such. Guys have the same range of interests as women. You’re gonna get a lot of people’s personal interests here, which is cool, but isn’t gonna help you out in the dating scene. Looking for a trend in interests here that you plan to use to generalize men irl is not a smart approach.

  5. Types of books you like to read? Do you like fishing? Speaking of fish, do you like to cook? Current events? (Just not “What about the MidEast situation?” :)) Travel?

  6. Would Napoleon have won at Waterloo if Grouchy had joined the main French force, or prevented the Prussians and British (and their allies) from linking up during the battle?

  7. Video games and music

    But of course no one will ever be interested in anything I like

  8. I usually like to maintain a rather aggressive eyecontact and talk over them before they say a single letter. *i shout* WARHAMMER 40K!!! *with a balled up fists ready to strike*
    Dont waste my time, i know what i want! Are you up for it?? *veins poppin*

  9. To be frank, with most guys your age just the act of walking up to talk to them is already going to get their attention. If you can ask about their hobbies and then ask follow up questions about them you could get someone talking for hours. Hopefully if the person is also interested there will be return questions about yourself.

  10. This is why you join clubs or leagues, doesn’t really matter what it is as long as you’re interested in the subject yourself. Maybe chess, tennis, art, philosophy, cooking, badminton, volunteering, etc. This way you’ll automatically have something in common with those you encounter.

  11. Everyone is different, so just ask about what hobbies they have and what they like about it, etc. You don’t need to be interested in the hobby itself, but be interested in the fact that the person you’re talking to. It’s just like talking to anyone, we’re people too! 🙂

    For me as an example, I’m a bit older at 27, but some of my hobbies are:

    * Kayaking
    * Birdwatching
    * Reading nonfiction, particularly history, and sci-fi
    * Astronomy/planespotting (really just being a mentat for anything that flies)
    * Writing poetry
    * Hiking
    * Racing my car, specifically autocross
    * Gaming, especially strategy games
    * Some anime watching

  12. “if you survived the apocalypse, what would your new job be in society and why that job?”

  13. Deep shit. If a girl isn’t afraid of cutting to the chase, that’s rather disarming to me

  14. I went to an all boys school. When I went to college I learned I can introduce myself to anyone by just saying “hi I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Juancuneo”

  15. Food is a good one because you can then get to different topics effortless.



    Food>favourites>food preferences.


  16. Politics/Religion/Philosophy/Current Events/Music/Travel/Activities/Hobbies/Family

    Or you could always just ask him if he thinks he could beat a chimpanzee in hand to hand combat

  17. An icebreaker is a ship with a reinforced hull designed to resist the extreme stresses placed upon it by arctic or antarctic ice sheets; but that’s not important right now.

  18. Every guy is different. This will be a case by case basis. Find out what they like and then talk to them about the subject. We’re very simple creatures.

  19. Men are simple people. Come up to us, just start talking show an interest in something you see or say something about the activity we are in.

    We don’t need icebreakers we are not going to shoot you down “sorry I have a girlfriend”. We will tell you politely we are with someone as good men do. Just be normal like talking to someone you are meeting for the first time.

  20. Know your Lego’s or digging holes at the beach and you will hit of with 90% of men.

    Edit: or give him a wooden stick while hiking. We all need a stickm

  21. I give you the same advice I give to guys who are nervous to talk to women: they’re people. You can talk to them like you would talk when getting to know a woman you have just met.

  22. A woman gets my interest when our topic is about history and work. I also like funny girls. So that I don’t get bored talking to the girl, she should have many topics.

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