What is one piece of “man wisdom” you want to share with the group?

  1. If they don’t negatively effect somebody else; don’t let people bully you into changing your preferences in life, in women, in friendships, in places you want to live in etc.

  2. Get a good set of quality tools for around the house. Also keep a good ratchet/ socket set in your vehicle. Jumper cables also. When the need arises, they’ll be there.

  3. Being strong and being cruel are completely different things. True strength protects, it doesn’t attack.

  4. Know what you want and get everything aligned: values, goals, desires, thoughts, behaviors.

  5. A man always owns up to his mistakes. Be accountable for your actions and be the man that you want to be.

  6. 1) You are not entitled to anything.

    2) You don’t have £100 until you have £200

    3) When fighting a goat, drop your inside knee, get them into a loose but firm rear naked choke (but don’t apply pressure), and press them against the wall.

  7. If you start to go bald just embrace it. That guy trying to fool everyone is just making himself look the fool

  8. Don’t fall for ego tricks. Anyone who says, “if you’re a real man,” or some version of this is only trying to get you to do something you probably shouldn’t. Also don’t let your ego make your decision for you.

  9. You can pick your friends, you can pick you nose, but don’t pick your friend’s nose.

    (Wrong sub. Sorry, thought I was in r/daddit)

  10. If you ever want to know what kind of man you are….. it’s the man you become when you think that no one, not even God can see you. That’s who you really are, not the person you pretend to be in public.

    My granddad told me that, it still stings.

  11. If she says everything is ok, treat her like everything is ok. Don’t beg, don’t give into mind games and childish behavior. Tell her you’re here when she wants to talk, and boot up the PS5 or something.

  12. The only person you should strive to be better than, is the person you were yesterday

  13. I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.

  14. Ah skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet motha-fucker, ah skeet skeet skeet goddamn

  15. Remember that not to take things personally. Whatever someone else says or does to you is not about you it is their reaction to their emotions and past experiences

  16. Putting the left sock on first is oddly more satisfying than the right sock

  17. Never share your intimate life (with a BF or GF) with other people, it should stay between you two). Learning the hard way…

  18. Manhood is what you make it. Only you can define it for yourself. Anyone telling you how to be a man or telling you that you aren’t doing it right is both wrong and probably an asshole.

  19. Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it’s source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.

  20. If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.

  21. Never be afraid to quit or leave something. Any relationship, job, or project that you feel will make your life terrible should be abandoned. Don’t fall for the sunk-cost fallacy, just because you spent a lot of time and money building a metaphorical house doesn’t mean you shouldn’t leave it if it starts to collapse.

  22. [wireless wahl clippers.](https://www.amazon.com/Wahl-Clipper-Rechargeable-Professionals-9649/dp/B01N0993NM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3NG856OMWA7HH&keywords=wahl+clippers&qid=1688957236&sprefix=wahl+clippers%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-3) never use a hand razor to shave your beard. learn how to cut your own hair and save money. it’s not hard to do. just remember to go slow and don’t cut too much at one time because once hair is gone there is no second chance. i can’t tell you how many barbers and beauticians who wound up shaving my head bald because they didn’t know when to quit or what i liked.

    i wish i had a dad who could have passed on that advice to me. my brothers had to learn the hard way too.

  23. If you did something wrong, Accept it. Take responsibility. Do whatever to fix it.

  24. Find yourself a lady with small hands, it will make your junk look bigger.

  25. “Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.”

  26. I remember seeing a stupid instagram motivational quote that went something like: imagine you’re watching a movie about your life and you’re the main character, you’re in full control of the script, do what you would like to see.

    Another thing is to not worry too much about things that won’t matter in five to ten years. Prioritize relationships, career, personal finances, health, your passions/hobbies and whatever might directly affect those. Don’t lose sleep over shit that doesn’t actually matter, like pointless arguments on the internet.

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