Working men of Reddit, what’s your favorite “other duty as assigned” that you genuinely enjoy?

  1. It’s work, I don’t really enjoy any of it. At best I only tolerate any duty I have.

  2. When colleagues come to me for informal “mentoring” wanting to discuss the nuts and bolts technical information of what we do and how best to do it.

    22 years in the same industry

  3. I looked after a group of 6 kids last week on work experience. Was a lot of fun designing ships with them but I really enjoyed watching them become an integrated team and go from not knowing one another to being friends. It’s important to me to encourage the next generation. Beyond that, getting stuck in onsite because the drawing office is too far removed from the actual engineering.

  4. I’m in IT and software development. It was always a nice break to be cable monkey for a day. Or assembling server hardware (not so common in the Cloud age).

  5. I host stargazing events at school, which means the school’s massive telescope lives with me. The star parties are fun, but I also love taking the scope out for personal use. It’s a pretty huge job perk.

  6. The closest thing I have ever felt to “fulfillment” in my career was when I wrote a guide for my team on how to set up the new SQL client the company switched to. That lasted about a day, and it really wasn’t especially fulfilling, but I got paid to write.

    That was like 5 years ago, and things have only gotten worse.

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