I often come in contact with female accounts where a man is clearly hidden behind, some are blatant scams, others I often think are only homosexual men who want to impersonate women, why on earth? if one is homosexual why not say so clearly and look in their dedicated reddit? I don’t understand the meaning, in your opinion?

  1. I think you need to learn more about homosexuality and gender. Reddit might not be the best place.

    Maybe check out strazfilm’s video about gender in vr chat on YouTube.

    As for the ones that are blatant scams its usually people pushing an agenda in the same way white people will pretend to be black people to push their dumb arguments on the internet without people knowing its racism.

    TLDR, homosexuality & transgender are different things. Also people tend to be more gender fluid online.

  2. I’m a social work student who worked with someone who admitted he did this a while back.

    He said something along the lines of, ”i never get any attention and never get a DM. Nobody seems to care about me one bit. At least when i’m catfishing i get all the attention i could ever need”.

    Some people truly underestimate what loneliness can do. I see it every day. You can have the opinion that posing as a woman on reddit is a petty thing to do, but at least it’s completely harmless.

  3. Not Reddit, but Second Life. I joined up in the first couple of years with a male avatar and it was immediately obvious that the stuff designed for female avatars was more plentiful, better made, cheaper and more fun so after persevering for a week, I swapped to a female avatar and never looked back.

    Because I’ve lived with women all my life and prefer the company and friendship of women anyway, the way I talk and the things I talk about on Reddit have led me to be misgendered a handful of times but it’s not a deliberate subterfuge.

  4. Some people are very lonely and who gets more attention women or men? If you are going to play pretend which would you choose to get some attention?

  5. (Some) gay dudes tend to get off on turning straight dudes or simply suck them off as straight dudes are usually more masculine and hence more attractive…

    It’s the same obnoxious behaviour some men show towards for example young women or alike.

  6. One of my friends is a woman who impersonates a man on Reddit. I’m not sure why she does that, though.

  7. The point of Reddit is anonymity, and the day it stops being that way, is the day I delete my account for good. I come here to shit post so the people in my life can’t find out about it.

  8. On Reddit? I’m not sure, but I’ve pretended to be a woman on Omegle chat and in some online games. Why? For fun and for seeing a bit of “the other side”.

    How people react to you tends to vary dramatically whether you’re a man or a woman. In the 2 years I’ve been on reddit, I got exactly 2 DMs. A female friend I know is on Reddit as well gets DMs on the regular.

    Personally I don’t even see much of an issue with it here. Reddit is 99% anonymous. Who am I? Man, woman, 13 years old, 81, black, Asian, 6ft3, 5ft1, etc..

    Why does any of it matter on Reddit?

  9. Why does anyone do anything, man?

    When I was working more regularly with the public at a daily job last year, I just started saying “people are weird” as a general truism. It’s a fact, and it’s really all that needs to be said on some of these things.

    If you find yourself constantly running into, or falling for, these kinds of situations, that’s partly on you at a certain point. I try to avoid getting too invested in online relationships or opening myself up to getting Catfished. Just sayin’

  10. Because as a women or man you ould post almost ig not the exact same thing and getv2 completely opposite responses and as a women/girl/female, you get more of the benefits.

  11. Not just homosexual as l men. I’ve talked with people who do this and the answer is some combination of attention seeking and life turning into easy mode social stuff.

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