Currently, I find joy in the group chat, and going to the gym, and playing video games and listening to audiobooks, literally nothing makes me want to text a woman. That may also be because I’ve done it a lot of times to no avail. I understand completely that when it’s time for me to start dating I’ll have to start talking to them, which is understandable, but right now, I’m just interested in the reasons why other men are simply not talking to any women.

  1. I still talk to women, but I only text them to set up phone calls or in person meetings since I found texting annoying and disruptive to my life. Also, I think many women keep multiple dudes around to text since they like the attention and I don’t have the time or willingness to be an ego boost at someone’s beck and call. Admittedly, I was a very bad texter as a teen since I did not understand emojis at all so I decided to play to my strengths instead and try to push for in person meetings which ended up working well for me so I just continued.

  2. I have never stopped from texting women but I’ll say they are a pain to communicate with if you aren’t dating them.

    Every girl I’ve been friends with can be annoying to communicate with it can feel like I’m such a burden to them if I message them first I contemplate every now and then what if I stopped messaging my girl friends first and see how long they go without talking to me

  3. If I’m texting a woman, it’s to arrange a date where I can actually communicate with her face to face on a human level.

    Texting is by far the worst possible way to get to know someone. There’s no way to gauge emotion, they aren’t obligated to be invested in a conversation, no guarantee that the convo is private, and people have alot more time to think up responses if their intention is to be disingenuous.

    All of those previous issues dissapear completely if people just talk face to face. Electronic messaging was, by its very design, intended to be a secondary means of communication, not a primary one.

  4. A girl I was talking to and had a crush? One line responses, never initiates conversation, making plans? Takes hours to respond (by hours I mean 24+), eventually you get burned out, same with friendships.

    Then when I become distant she starts sending long paragraphs and asking questions

  5. Because they don’t respond to my texts. And/Or simply ghosting me the second I stop asking all the questions in the conversation.

  6. Because it gets you nowhere. If I’m not setting up a meeting what’s the point?

    If they wanna text you they will. It’s literally the least effort thing a person can do in terms of communication.

    I don’t have time to entertain you knowing you’re probably entertaining several others. I’m not your jester.

  7. Texting is for people with whom you already have a relationship.

    If you’re trying to build one, you need to be together. You know, like, in real life?

  8. Most recent one was because she was being manipulative and making up fake stories to get an emotional reaction out of me. It was draining.


    Also I am too poor to be a good partner atm.

  9. Because there was no point talking to her. Usually because she didn’t want to have a conversation with me but to satisfy some urge to vent, to project something she was dealing with into the conversation or she only started the conversation with the goal of making drama.

    I’m not about any of these things. She is not a bad person just because she isn’t acting right in that moment but continuing to talk won’t do abything other than wasting my time and nerves. So I disengage until ahe settles down again. And if she doesn’t well damn – moving on it is.

  10. I text for work. I text to confirm plans.

    Texting as a part of getting to know someone? Useless. Speak to me or lose my number.

  11. I stopped because I realized that my social skills require input. The social skills required of me are for ouput. I am always in a position where I have to text, I have to call, I have to organize. I have to put in more than Im getting. That aint mathing for me. I dont have the energy to play guessing games or decipher morse code hints written in binary disguised as ASL. Im just tired and i wana be at peace. If my peace means i die alone so be it. I accepted what I am (mostly); here.

  12. Dating almost feels like a full-time job in itself alongside a full-time job, and I’d imagine it’s the same for both genders. I go in cycles with it and have periods of dating fatigue/monk mode before crawling back to it all.

    Landing a monogamous committed relationship these days sometimes feels like getting on the property ladder – something far easier 10+ years ago that people reminisce about lol, and I’m saying this as someone who’s had a few long term relationships in the past and generally a fruitful love life.

  13. Her Twitter bio says “Man-Hating Lesbian” and she and her girlfriend frequently post hating on men for existing.

  14. Because of 👋and hi.
    0 effort on their part, but also because its a second job and one is enough.
    Oh and Im putting in the effort, but she is putting in somebody elses dick, so why bother.

  15. I constantly got left on read, so I figured they weren’t interested. But it took me far too long to come to that realization.

  16. > That may also be because I’ve done it a lot of times to no avail.

    Thats the trick. Our brains are wired to pursue activities that produce rewards. No rewards = No pursuit. The same phenomena is seen in the workplace, where you can only squeeze someone so much before their body shuts down

  17. Mostly bc I’ve been ghosted, lied to and made plans with girls that never follow through. Just gave up and focusing on my own life and my social circle

  18. After awhile it all becomes less interesting. Maybe it’s partly due to aging but mostly I think it’s more to just getting tired of the constant let downs of getting to know someone and having a good opinion of them only to see that opinion go south with time. The time commitment the financial aspect of dating the whole thing gets tiring. The older I get the more I like to be alone and I’m fine with that.

  19. When I got sick of their games, sick of feeling like my life had no enjoyment because I let them suck the enjoyment out of it.

    I just stopped chasing. I got sick of how many women are just attention seekers, that’s what they liked, not me.

    Now I earn good money & go abroad often. They watch from the side lines & stalk my social media.

  20. I personally hate small talk with some women. This is mainly because I rarely share any common interests and then have to pretend to enjoy what we’re talking about. I’m too old to pretend anymore.

  21. Ive been asked this by women twice…. And both times, if you looked, I was the last person that texted.

    All I did was just stop sending texts to someone who wasn’t replying as if they were interested.

  22. Especially in the age of Tiktok; attention vampires, I would rather talk to someone who I know is my friend instead of wasting my time on someone who ignores me / cuts me off

  23. It’s never reciprocal, I just get like I’m bothering people all of the time. They never get excited about my existence like I do theirs. It sucks

  24. I find that too much texting just destroys the connection. My favorite fwbs tend to be chicks that a barely hear from unless we are trying to meet up. The lack of constant communication means we always have something new to talk about. Also it allows us to miss eachother more which leads to more enthusiastic dates even if it is just sex and a movie.

  25. Got married.

    Nowadays I don’t even text my wife. Simply pick up the phone and talk:
    “mmhmm.. aahaa.. yes dear.. sure dear you bye”

  26. When I feel like I’m the only one actively trying to further the conversations. The best is after you stop talking to them (you stop initiating basically) they post some cryptic shit on FB about them sick and tired of always trying so hard with men.

    Like you gave me nothing but 1 word replies for a week, grow the fuck up.

  27. Reply’s like cool, ok/okay, yea during certain parts of conversation

    As far as why I’m currently not dating women right now is because I’m just not interested atm and I’m almost 30 and I don’t think I’m who I want to be YET to offer to a women. Women don’t deserve a half in partner

  28. They want me to bring everything to the table, whilst offering nothing themselves.

    I’d rather put that energy into myself. It’s far more rewarding – intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

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