Would love to know both success and not so successful stories, but most importantly, methods of being told that felt respectful and maybe managed to keep the friendship?!

  1. I have a male friend who assumed I am gay only because I am aromantic and they never saw me dating. This assumption led to an awkward situation when he confessed his feelings, and I don’t know how to respond. Although I don’t experience romantic attraction, I do feel a physical attraction towards female only.

  2. Fourth of July 4 years ago I spent all day in the pool with my best friend and then we sat on her couch to watch Good Omens. We were sitting right next to each other and just looked at each other and then made out for hours. And we are still together four years later. She’s the best partner I’ve ever had by a very large margin.

  3. I’ll start off by saying I was very clueless to the fact that she liked me😂 I was an idiot and ignored all the signs. We worked together, and she was super friendly and wanted to get to know me more! So she asked for my snap, which I thought was normal. A few months go by and we talk everyday and we’re always super close and laughing and all that. People at work started to make jokes about us getting married soon. On time a few people joked about it right in front of us and her face got super red😂 so after work I texted her and she told me she liked me. We’ve been together a year and a half!

  4. Told this to a very close friend I had back in 8th grade, then again in 12th. She rejected me both times. Can’t say I blame her, seeing how I turned out. And I wished I’d never said anything as I look back. She was a great friend and I ruined that friendship. But that’s how the cookie crumbles, right?

    Did come close a 3rd time to a different friend when I was 23-24. She laughed at me when I approached the topic, so I dropped it all together.

  5. Catching her looking at me and looking away a lot when we would casually hang out. Sitting on the couch one evening and she just looked at me in the eyes and said in a kind of soft voice “I like you”

    I thought it was really sweet and took a good amount of courage on her part. She was fresh out of a relationship so I was the rebound guy. It didn’t last long and then a month or so later we both moved to different cities. If not for the move I’m pretty sure we would have gotten back to being best friends eventually but life just got crazy for both of us.

  6. We were 14 and she just…said it. That’s how she was. Just “Hey, I really like you. We should date”. She gave me the best decade of my life

  7. I left a note in my friend’s bag on her birthday explaining my feelings and my desire to let her make any next steps. As I had intended, she was able to take her time responding and later texted me saying that she appreciated the note but was not interested in the same sort of relationship that I wanted. We remain distant friends (we weren’t very close in the first place).

  8. *”How did your best friend break it to you have they liked you?”*

    Never happened.

    *”Or vice versa?”*

    Never happened.

  9. Well, she used to be my best friend. She has subliminally given hints of liking me, cause every-time she’d post something, it’s about the letter J (my first initial). One night her friend was on her snap account, sending her streaks. So he basically told me there was something my friend didn’t want me knowing and I was a little confused, but eager to know. So I added HIS personal account and asked him to tell me there because I was really curious. So from there, he told me she really liked me, and I was just frozen. So I waited for her to get back on her account. I told her that I knew she liked me. Also remember I said she used to be my best friend? Yeah we’re dating now and almost for seven months.

  10. I’ve told this story a few times here if you want the long version you can find it. But I asked her out rather poorly, she thought we were just hanging out. The “date” ended awkwardly when I pushed the matter.

    But it worked out eventually, we have been married almost 15 years now.

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