I’ve been casually dating this guy for a little bit now and I feel like things are starting to really heat up between us. I’m not expecting anything to happen between us, but if something does I’d like to be prepared ahead of time lol. He mentioned during our last date that he was the “stereotypical engineer” and didn’t have much experience with relationships or sex, and that the last (and only) person he was with was when he was a senior in high school. We’re both 25 now so it’s been a long while for him.

I’ve just gotten back into dating/seeing people after a 3 year hiatus from dating, so while I’m going through a dry spell— I am a VERY sex positive person; high libido, kinky, all the fun things. However, all my past partners have always been more experienced than me so I’m new in this situation where I’m the partner that knows more about my preferences and what I like/what I dislike.

I’m okay taking the lead on things, I love giving head and riding, and I’m so infatuated with him and his body that I like to think that if we do get to the point of having sex that it will be a positive experience for him, but I’m not too sure what to expect from being with someone who doesn’t have much experience with these types of things. So, pls help a girl out on tips on how to give some mind blowing sex to a guy who doesn’t have much experience? If you were in his position, what would you appreciate a girl doing for you?

  1. I remember the mind blowing part when I was inexperience was that someone wanted to have sex with me. Good times

  2. You sure that he really IS inexperienced? As you describe it, he’s just been alone for a really long time…

  3. Sounds like be yourself and he”ll have a blast, literally.
    Be enthusiastic, oral, giving ans **needy**, tell him what you want. Engineers are problem solvers. He’ll adore you for having a high drive and your enthusiasm.

  4. Talk about stuff you like to do, and see if he is into it, then do that.

    When you’re dirty talking, pick up on stuff je sense to gravitate towards, then do that.

  5. If he doesn’t have much experience then even the basics will be amazing. Try to start slow, you can get crazy later when you know each other better that way

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