F23 here and I literally just want sex. I’ve been talking to some guys on dating apps and I’m interested in hooking up with one of them. I have my own apartment, no roommates and I’m perfectly fine with inviting a guy over. My only thing is, if this is deemed unsafe (I’ve done it in the past but I was manic and im trying to think more rationally) where do women usually hookup with a guy if not their own spot? I feel I would feel more at risk over a guys place because I wouldn’t be familiar with the layout. And public sex just feels so… high school to me lol not to mention I’d rather not get in trouble for getting caught. Are we doing it at hotels or what?

  1. Usually, hotels or his place. I get what you are saying about an unfamiliar layout, but do you want him knowing where you live?

  2. I’d say , hang out at his place a couple of times. And you can do the deed when you’re much comfortable.

    Although, prep the guy already in case you wanna bail out.

    I’d never recommend a girl bring a guy over unless she’s a 💯percent sure!!

  3. I have no answer for you but, deal with the same exact thing. I have often thought this! If a man were trying to do something sketchy they would have an advantage in their own home. For example, if he were a serial killer, that’s where he would keep all his tools. I don’t know who these chicks splashing out for hotels every time they want to hook up are but, to me, that is crazy money. Maybe we are supposed to rarely have sex or, only after a hundred dates and a background check? I would like to add: men’s places typically suck and are filthy. They lack the comforts we women enjoy in our interiors. Plus, I don’t want to do a walk of shame in the morning!!

    I guess our options are: murder, celibacy or walking home feeling gross in dirty clothing after declining to shower in a disgusting bathroom.

  4. If the guy is safe for you, then your apartment is best and hygienic too.

  5. I usually hook up at my place the first time. I tried hotels, public, etc. the first few times but it was too much work. I’ve never had a bad experience.

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