What is something you are holding back asking someone close to you?

  1. I want to ask my husband for a divorce but I’m being too chicken to do it. I will though, soon…

  2. “Are you sure you want to date me?”

    To a guy I’m getting close with, I personally don’t want to date him but I don’t want to upset him.

  3. I think one of my coworkers is mad at me and I have absolutely no idea why. She’s been unusually cold and distant towards me, but I don’t wanna ask and make it weird.

  4. Asking a friend if she is feeling any kind of attraction or if it’s just me that is picking up on some chemistry.

  5. Why they drink so much, when are they gonna get help and go to rehab or therapy, why are you so hell bent on making your health worse than it is?

  6. Why do you keep buying so much stuff? And moving it over to buy more crap? Why do you keep quitting jobs every 6-8 months? Why don’t do you ever save your money? Why do you keep complaining that your kids don’t help you pay bills when you make more hourly wage than the entire household

  7. What the fuck is going on… are we exclusive, are we not? Should I get over this, should I keep trying? What is this

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