I have two friends who are in a friend group with two other people except me. I’m okay with them having other friends, as I assume that this is normal.
But I also noticed that we don’t hang out as often. And our contact outside of school could be way better. It’s not like they’re ghosting me or anything but it’s like our friendship isn’t as strong as I wished.
They’re not being mean or anything and if I ask them to hang out they mostly can tell me when they have time. However mostly it’s me or one of them committing to hang out.
I don’t know if I’m misinterpreting or something. I also hear from them that they hang out with the other friend group they are in.
And very important: I don’t want to cause any stress or trouble. I want to address this as casually as possible, maybe on a rather laid-back basis. Nothing too dramatic.
I’ve already asked them if they want to quit the friendship and they were quite surprised.

How can I do this? Please give me some advice

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