So, I recently started an internship during college, even though the workplace is chill and relaxed (everyone minding their business it sometimes get too quiet, which is ok for me), but I’m the only young person in the office, everyone is around their 30s, 40s, etc while I’m 22 y.o.

I’m too shy to start a conversation with my coworkers that are in their 30s, they have been nice to me, they joke around each other but since they have more experience they’re also busy (they sit next to each other chatting while working) while I get my own desk away from them doing my work but since I’m just in an internship I don’t understand most of what they’re talking about (mostly gossip of people I don’t know, work related stuff that’s not on my area and such) so I just stay quiet in my desk.

I know there will be another young person doing their internship in this company soon but Idk if I should wait for that person start his internship here since we will be around the same age so I have faith that we will socialize with each other or if I should just accept the fact that I’ll be the quiet one in the office.

Also, Since I’m doing an internship, I leave early while the others stay in the office so it’s not like I can have lunch with them.

1 comment
  1. Talk to some of the oldest of your co workers a real veteran. Most likely one of them will love to talk to the new intern, (parent child position something you are probably familiar with) and starting from him you talk to the people he has regular conversations with when you are around. And build your relationships like that.

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