Soo… That’s basically it.
She left me saying that she wasn’t sure she loved me, that she thought she got attached to me because of her previous toxic relationship, and told me she’d like to try it again with me at a different time.
I was ok with that, I wasn’t going to wait for her though, so I forced myself to get over it as fast as possible, which I did…
Exactly eleven days later
She writes a poem for me to see
Where she basically asks me to go back with her
Where she tells me she loves me and misses me, and regrets what she did
And now I’m left here, wondering what I should answer, wondering if I should go back with her or stay by myself, because, on one hand, I don’t really know if I want to be with her anymore, and I’m the other hand, I’m not sure I could love her again the same way I did.

It should be noted this has been my first relationship, I’m 17.

Can someone, please, give me some advice on what should I do or what questions I should ask myself? Maybe a similar story to share?

Thank y’all in advance

1 comment
  1. Im a lot older than you and have been here before. It weighs heavy on you rn because you are so young but trust me when i say somethings do not have exceptions. Do not think your situation is different than what im about to tell you.

    You ghost her. When somebody says they want a break or space they mean break or space to explore with someone else. Shes back now because her real desire rejected her. You’re just a back up.

    You’re the stale egg salad sandwich she saw, groaned, and closed the fridge on but that she knows will be waiting for her in the fridge if the michelin star restaurant she really wants to eat at is closed. Go find someone who sees you as the michelin restaurant.

    Give this one so much space she might as well be at pluto

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