I’m a 22-year-old man, wrestling with an undiagnosed specter of anxiety. I’ve never spoken to a psychologist about it, but the occasional panic attacks and the emotional rollercoaster I ride make it clear that something’s amiss. My moods oscillate wildly, from long stretches of anxiety and depression to a manic energy that leads me to juggle billions of tasks and projects. This, until exhaustion hits and depression swoops in again.
Over the past year, I’ve been on the upswing, although the past three months have been challenging. University and new projects have consumed me, leading to a withdrawal from the gym and increased stress. Now, I’m feeling the consequences, and they’re hard to bear.
My romantic life has been a mixed bag: a few short relationships, plenty of one-night stands, and inconsistent performances in the bedroom. Yet, when I truly connect with a woman, my feelings for her intensify tenfold. It’s been a year since I last experienced such chemistry, except for a brief encounter that didn’t progress to anything physical.
Then, a week ago, I met a new girl. The connection was instant, our dates, incredible. But when it came to the bedroom, performance anxiety hit me hard, and for three nights, I found myself unable to get it up. This, along with a month-long bout of low libido, has left me anxious and self-conscious.
She’ll be gone in three days, and my frustration is mounting. I’m worried that she might misconstrue my performance issues as disinterest, which couldn’t be further from the truth. This worry, in turn, has plunged me into a whirlpool of anxiety and self-doubt. I’m terrified of not being able to love someone fully, to have both a passionate romance and a satisfying sex life. It feels as if my own body is working against me.
These experiences have me questioning my sexual orientation and fearing that I might be dysfunctional. But the mere fact that I can’t stop thinking about this woman, and have enjoyed satisfying sexual experiences in the past, tells me otherwise. Yet, I can’t help but feel less masculine.
Adding insult to injury is the fact that I’m considered attractive. Yet, it feels like the only thing standing between me and a fulfilling relationship is my own mind. As each day passes, I feel increasingly alone and worried that I’m doomed to a life of solitude. But still, I hope for better days, for understanding, and for a life less burdened by these worries.
Does anyone have any tips they can give me? Any man or women with similar experiences?
I’m thinking of trying viagra just to have sex with her on the last night and concrete that connection and not regret and hate my self so much for the coming months.

1 comment
  1. Man I was in your exact situation but I was 17 and then 20 lol.

    The time at 17 I was hard during foreplay but the moment she was ready to get on top, I immediately lost my erection. It never came back and I left awkwardly

    The time that it happened when I was 20, very similar situation, she was ready to ride but I lost it again. This girl however went into action mode and immediately gave me a blowjob. When it was hard again she got on, and it was the best sex I’ve probably ever had

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