Whenever my dad makes spaghetti, he likes to pull out a can of beer (specifically Pabst Blue Ribbon since that’s his favorite and preferred one) and pour some of it into the spaghetti meat and sauce for “better taste” or something. Do any other americans add beer to their spaghetti or is it just my dad?

  1. Unrelated but it’s kinda interesting how Americans think Pabst Blue Ribbon sucks but in China it’s like the “American” beer

  2. I mean I’ve never heard of that but it sounds like your dad knows how to party like a dirtbag.

    I don’t necessarily mean that as a criticism.

  3. I believe my friend’s father did that. This was back in the 70s/80s so iirc. Definitely did it for pot boiled crabs and for stew.

  4. i’m not a beer drinker but i will deglaze a pan with whatever i am drinking. it doesn’t particularly matter, it steams off. unless you’re adding like a pint of guinness to a beef stew i doubt any alcohol’s really going to harshly come through.

    pbr is an odd choice though. but if it’s what he was drinking. probably works. pbr barely tastes different than water. 🤷‍♂️

  5. My dad is great at many things…. cooking is not one of them. He would burn water

  6. No

    Cup of Red wine and a nob of butter with a cup of water the pasta was cooked in

  7. I’ve used beer in soups, stews, and for roasts before, but never for pasta. I’ve put wine in pasta before so I guess it’s not THAT weird.

  8. I’ve never used beer in a spaghetti meat sauce. Usually wine. I do use beer for ground beef taco meat, though.

  9. My dad would marinate anything in beer claiming it tasted better, he was also very drunk whenever he ate whatever he marinated so I don’t think he could actually tell a difference.

  10. I’ve never heard of anyone putting beer in spaghetti sauce but hey maybe it tastes good 🤷🏽‍♂️

  11. It’s a legit thing to do, though a red wine would be more traditional.

    Some flavors are alcohol soluable. Meaning they can only be tasted in combination with alcohol. Tomatos have a lot of them.

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