And what was it and how did you overcome it? Also, how old were you and what were you like at your lowest and what were you like at the moment you realized you overcame it? And did it help you in other difficult experiences and how?

  1. Probably not much compared to other people here, but not offing myself despite the hardship and adversity thrown my way, losing everything and having to rebuild multiple times, there isn’t much I was able to accomplish, not much success at all, but despite the universe throwing everything it had at me im still going despite “thoughts” daily for as long as I can remember

    I’m playing on survival level difficulty

  2. When my only sibling (sister, 31) died from an overdose on July 29, 2020. Trying to keep my parents and myself from despair and depression. Plus my 3 year old and career and marriage. It felt like some really dark times. But I’ve come through it a stronger man. And I feel I have new perspective on death, dying, and responsibilities.

  3. I was in my early 20’s and started developing health issues. Was in university at the time, threw up everything I ate and was bleeding heavily from my bowels. Spent five months sleeping in a chair because reclining made me vomit. Went from 200lbs to 130lbs in four months. Finally got a diagnoses and it effectively ended my career plans. While recovering, was involved in a not at fault accident that wrecked my back. Was in significant pain for nearly a year. Started to return to the gym, injured my shoulder bad enough that it required surgery. In a lot of ways, my life really sucked for about 6 years. But, I learned some valuable lessons. Nothing lasts for ever, and immediately look for an alternative path when you encounter adversity. Unfortunately, it took me longer than I wished it had to learn these things, I wasted a lot of time feeling sorry for myself. In my forties now, in pretty good shape and have an adjacent career. Things can work out if you keep moving forward.

  4. I haven’t overcome it. May 22 to May 23 was by far the worst year of my life. Friends and family turned on me. Chronic health issues beat me down. Even my church was believing lies about me.
    But I knew and know Jesus was with me every step.
    But a few have even apologized.
    I will say I quickly found out who my friends are. And it’s not who you think!

  5. In 2018 I was mid cancer diagnosis in the middle of grad school and my wife was pregnant. I was expected to die.

    My wife had an abortion. I put my degree on hold. I fought and fought and survived. Always kept my head up, refusing to die, who knows if it helped. I was able to graduate (VCU) a year late. I am still cancer free.

    My sperm counts suffered for a few years but wife got pregnant in 2021. Our son just turned 1!

  6. In Dec of 2008 I was the first person to render aid to a roommate and close friend that had shot himself in the head.

    The amount of blood he lost was staggering. I was applying bath towels and feeling them soak through with blood immediately. It was a Friday night, I was all dressed to go out for the evening. So surreal – I can distinctly remember thinking “I can’t get blood on me, we’re going out tonight”. (Spoiler: we did not go out that night). He ultimately ended up passing away from his injuries after being taken off life support.

    In the aftermath many of the guys that were living in that house at the time fell into opioid addiction. I managed to dodge it by the grace of God, moving away for an internship (I had actually received the job offer earlier in the day of the incident), but I didn’t come out unscathed. Never diagnosed, but definitely had some depression in subsequent years.

    Not sure exactly when I realized that I was a “survivor”, but I do remember feeling a sense of pride when I realized that I managed to navigate the situation without turning to hard drugs.

    I don’t know that that experience has helped me – but I’m relatively confident that my worst day is behind me. There’s comfort in that.

  7. I honestly don’t know how I would answer this question. I have a mediocre life. I’m a pretty fortunate guy. Not really rich or fabulous, just not bad. Mild depression anxiety sometimes but not like suicide or anything. “Trying” to do things never amounts to much but sometimes good luck or bad luck makes things happen.

  8. When I was 21, I was severely depressed and could barely function. I attempted to do away with myself a few days after my 21st birthday. Since I’m here writing this comment, you can tell that I didn’t succeed at that, but you know what I did do, and I have continued to do every day since then for the last 14 years? I chose to live. I win a battle to live every goddamned day, and I’m going to win the war with depression, too.

    Maybe it’s not that great in the scheme of things, and it’s probably not that impressive actually. There are people in here who have beaten cancer. That’s way more fucking impressive. But this is something I overcame and will continue to overcome, so I’m using it.

  9. My dad commited suicide when I was 10. That sucked. My first born child died at 6 months old 5 years ago. That sucked. My wife of 15 years had an affair a year ago. That sucked.

    I’ve had some doozeys, but the way I look at it I only get 1 ride so might as well see where it takes me. Like the little fish days. Just keep swimming.

  10. My mom died last summer , she was really both my mother and father , always supportive, taught me how to work hard, think smart. Taught me to love while being strong, always up for an adventure and could make you smile on your worst day .

    She passed away and my stepdad basically locked all of us out of what remained of life with her while keeping her house.

    He was fueding with my sisters because he put every picture of her in the garage and I made the executive decision to just go and take all of the old trophies, pictures, photo albums, and memories i could in order to preserve them .

    Within a month he changed the locks and refused to let anyone inside.

    It’s been a challenge more than anything I miss my mom and I have always been the most stable of her kids so I sometimes feel like I have to be the strong and focused one of my siblings because if I snap I feel like they will. I get angry at my mom for choosing such an awful man to marry , I get upset with her because the last thing she told me was how she felt like he abandoned her when she had a medical emergency and he left her alone to wait in the ER .I get sad that she didn’t have men who would choose to treat her better .

    I live a life with the goal of ” making my mama proud ” and I did that and in her death I have gradually had to find a new center, I have had to find reasons to live and direct myself for my own purpose .

    It’s challenging but I definitely feel like I am growing to truly own who I am good bad and ugly a little better every day.

    It is hard to have the most important in your life gone but far more than before I see how much of her still lives within me . From my laugh to my strength .

  11. Divorce, which lead to therapy, which lead to uncovering a lot of childhood trauma, which lead to suicide attempts, had to completely rebuild myself from scratch after that, changed careers from IT to now mental healthcare, am since recently a qualified therapist 🙂

  12. Getting my masters in engineering after my ex cheated on me, i was 3 years into the degree too after covid hit and working full time with essentially no support system. My family was far away and didn’t really have close friends to lean on. This was more than a year ago now. Feels like forever ago.

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