I went from having frequent spontaneous desire in my early to mid twenties now to never much feeling it late twenties to now almost 30. Yes.. I’ve been to a few doctors about it but nothing has changed. I’m starting to think the spontaneous desire just isn’t coming back and my partner and I should focus on myself as a “responsive desire” individual instead. I still really enjoy sex when I have sex. I just don’t think about it much anymore though unless I’m put in the mood. If you managed to get back the higher, more spontaneous libido, what did you do?

  1. I’d love to know this too. I love sex when it’s happening but rarely think of it or have the urge before hand. Unfortunately the only thing that helped me increase my libido was getting into much better shape, I think feeling sexier in my body was what helped

  2. I got a divorce and my sex drive has been off the charts for the past 8 months. I’m hoping it never dies down because I have no idea.

    Do you masturbate often?

  3. Three things for me, a 55 year old post hysterectomy woman who was HL and is now UHL

    HRT – pellets of testosterone and estradiol plus progesterone orally

    Being intentional with my desire to increase sexual activity, not letting an opportunity go by without leveraging it

    Getting in the habit, having sex at least daily has made it where I’m literally craving it each day and very happy to have it multiple times a day.

    It doesn’t hurt that my husband turns me on like crazy!

  4. The number of responses saying “I got divorced” when these types of threads come up is so goddamned depressing.

  5. I honestly had to start taking libido vitamins because mine was almost nonexistent until a few months ago and it affected my partner and I’s relationship. I started taking libido vitamins once a day for the past month or two and I have been horny way more often.

  6. I’m 30F and I find that my sexual libido is higher the past few years more than ever because of my boyfriend (31M). He encourages me to explore, respects my boundaries, uses positive reinforcement to get through my insecurities, does work on me as much as I do work on him, etc. I’ve had no sex drive previously due to my ex belittling me all the time on bed, but now I’ve blossomed

  7. Hormone replacement therapy, specifically testosterone. I had a blood test done and my levels were super low, like 23ng/l. Woman are supposed to be around 60-100, but my doctors gave me an optimization goal of 200. I got to 193 after my first round of pellets and I now want/have sex almost every day.

  8. Doing things for myself that make me feel sexy and boost my confidence. Sometimes as simple as plucking or waxing my eyebrows. Working out etc. How you feel about you and how you feel with your partner is a huge factor.

  9. I started having sex with someone who was good at it lol. Once it was enjoyable, it just happened naturally

  10. I think it was a combo of going off birth control (husband got snipped), weaning off antidepressants for a few years and turning 35 tbh. Plus having my spouse appreciate the load I was carrying at home helped.

  11. A couple things for me, a 56F. Earlier this year, I lost 20 pounds and have kept it off. Sure, I’m still technically overweight, but losing that 20 gave me an entirely new level of confidence in my body, my curves, and my overall self esteem. That then turned into trying new hairstyles, and now I have one I love! I started using just a bit of makeup, wore a bit of jewelry, used nail polish. Little small things I never did, and they all added, bit by bit, to my self esteem.

    Secondly…….. I joined Reddit and started reading sex posts. ROFLMAO!!!!

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