Hello, I am 15 and was in a school trip this year (on the end of school) to Norway. There were other schools (Norway, England etc.). There was a girl from Norway which I liked and talked with a lot there. When there was a party we danced together, talked when we had free time, ate at the same table when there was dinner and more. While my friends made fun of me (In a friendly way) they talked with her too just much less(Free time, dinners etc.) I have her number but I am just living too far away to make It as a normal relationship. Do you think I should stay in contact even when I wont see her much in person?

1 comment
  1. Why not? People from other countries are interesting, and if you had a good vibe, what’s to lose? Enjoy yourself.
    Just don’t expect anything serious (relationship) to come from it. It wouldn’t work that far away. You are young and there will be plenty of fish. Maybe you can meet up when you are older.

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