Question for the women here, how much does group think play into whether or not you’ll give a guy a shot? Feel like this happens to me a decent amount, I hit it off with a girl, she talks to one of her friends at some point and that’s all she wrote. Would appreciate answers and advice so that maybe one day I won’t be perpetually alone 🙂 thanks in advance

  1. The younger you are the more it’s going to play in. I’m 45. I couldn’t care less what my friends think of my husband. When I was in my late teens/early 20s I might have cared more.

  2. Women, especially younger women, tend to be much more influenced by peers and culture than men. Social contagions throughout history (and currently) are most often driven by women both in who pushes them and who they effect.

    So yeah, it’s a problem when you meet someone interesting and her friends pull her away. Best hope is to bring her friend(s) into your fold early and get her on your side. If you hit on a group of girls, give them attention evenly. Then slowly turn your focus to the one you’re interested in. From there you can move to separate or just get her number and go about your business. While it may seem scary, it’s much better to approach a group first, rather than look for that separation to occur naturally as your opportunity. Now, if you happen into that situation by luck – she’s away from her friends, keep the initial interaction super brief and walk away. Then return to her and her friends when they’re grouped up.

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