What life lessons you learned from your life so far?

  1. Provide a calm environment for kids and model hard work and inquiry and they can achieve amazing things.

  2. Not to tell your family members everything because most of them aren’t happy for you.

  3. That every edible is made differently and some will make you super chill and relaxed and others will make you feel like you could fall off the planet at any moment.

  4. Learn to trust yourself and be self reflective at the same time. I used to use self reflection as a way to undermine or diminish my own sense of self and my own truths rather than using self reflection as a way to reshape or learn. It’s still really hard for me to learn a different perspective and not try to adopt it. Understanding where someone else is coming from, does not mean that I need to change my truth everytime. Empathy does not mean we need to start to embody someone else’s behavior or beliefs. Idk why that was and still is such a grey area for me.

  5. That being a people pleaser isn’t the same as being nice to someone. The best thing you can do is be honest and frank and assert healthy boundaries.
    Because in the long run people pleasing will just make you hold grudges against people and feel burnt out by social interactions with them. It’ll also reinforce low self esteem.

    Though I’m yet to implement this lesson into my life entirely. But I have hope I’ll get there soon.

  6. Most people aren’t in your life to stay, you aren’t in most other people’s life to stay, and that’s okay. Drop the idea that it has to last forever to be worth your time, enjoy the time you get together.

  7. My comfort zone is my enemy. I’ve discovered in order to achieve the biggest goals in my life I’ve needed to step outside that zone every single time. It can be scary and difficult, but rewarding.

  8. no matter how kind you are towards someone, they don’t owe you the same treatment. i’ve been nothing but kind and tolerant towards certain people in my life, yet the only type of treatment that i’ve gotten back is backstabbing and rudeness, and other people telling me i should tolerate that kind of behavior. it is heartbreaking but i feel like once i fully start understanding this, i’ll be heartbroken a lot less.

  9. That is better to experience hard things when you’re young because you’ll be able to process them differently when you’re older.

  10. There are always ups and downs in life, so don’t get too depressed when a bad thing happens.

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