Went out to see some friends yesterday, drank a bit, got home late, and when the 5 am alarm came this morning I figured burning a sick day was better than looking like death in the office. And I couldn’t work remote, so I just called in. Slept an extra couple hours, got a good breakfast, and I’ll be 100% for tomorrow, but I can’t help but feel like a cop out for calling in!

Edit: appreciate most of the replies, and I’m really loving those that can’t differentiate between going out with friends and being an alcoholic.

  1. I don’t drink much on workdays, to avoid the problem entirely.

    Drink more water with your booze. A hangover is basically a form of dehydration.

  2. As long as you don’t make it a habit, it’s fine, but that’s why I don’t drink anymore if I have work the next day. Or atleast, I don’t drink too much.

  3. No because I’ve been a full time remote employee for over 17 years and even with camera on meetings, I can fake it at home until I feel better… 🙂

  4. I typically don’t drink when I know I work the following day, but I definitely have called out of a shift when I was too hungover, a couple times. People who have never done this are narcs.

  5. Never. If I was dumb enough to get hammered on a school night then I should suffer the hangover.

  6. Lol, I call in sick when I’m perfectly healthy, so yeah, I would call in sick if I was hung over.

  7. I will if it’s bad. I don’t often, but I work to live, not live to work, so if I’m gonna have a shitty day, I’ll call out, especially if I know things will be okay without me that day.

  8. No. I am a seaman, a sailor if you will. The song what do you do with a drunken sailor early in the morning is both right and wrong.

    I’m going to be found and woken up and worked or fired. So you might as well show up or quit no matter how hungover you are.

    Nowadays, I do the waking of the drunken sailors. Hungover is better than drunk. Rested is better than hungover. At sea is better than either drunk or hungover in port. Drunk at sea…I’m liable to go through the whole sea shanty on your ass and then fire you. Dealing with peoples issues with alcohol at work sucks.

  9. I definitely have a couple times. It’s better not to be in that position but once it’s done, you probably should just take off and recover.

  10. I never drink on a work night, but if I did and was hung over? 100% calling out sick.

    Reason? I teach children.

  11. Beats stumbling into work like that- people can tell. But i wouldnt make a habit out of it.

  12. I mean technically you are sick, you are just the one that also caused your sickness.

  13. Someone once told me if you can’t take care of your responsibilities because of your recreational activities, then you haven’t earned recreational activities. I’m not saying this applies here but I think it’s good advice for most things in life.

  14. I don’t. But I’m a terrible alcoholic. So I can do a better job all fucked up than my co workers at 100%. It’s a terrible way to live life though. Working on it.

  15. Meh, I say call it in. I’m a manager of a pharmacy and we have a hard job. I’d much rather someone called in sick than tried to do their job I don’t care why someone calls in sick, might be that they’re sick, might be that they just can’t face the day. As long as they let me know, we work it out. Sometimes people need a self care day, whether it’s because of too much booze ( I feel ya) or any other reason, just take it

  16. No, I’d feel like a bitch who couldn’t handle the consequences of my actions. I can’t handle hangovers, so I don’t drink anymore.

  17. Fuck yeah. Your sick time is for when you feel like shit. Doesn’t matter the cause.

  18. I mean, if you feel too sick to work, then call out. They give you sick days for a reason, use them.

  19. I look at it like this. If the company has sick days that you either use or lose. Better use those bad Larry’s up.

    Currently I am not offered sick days. I don’t drink anymore but if I did and had to work the next day. I’d go in eating a bag of dicks and get through it.

  20. My golden rule when phoning after a heavy night was at least have 2 days maybe 3, it’s a sickness period so may as well make it count.

  21. When I was younger, no. Never.

    I don’t often get drunk anymore – can’t recover like I used to. But the older I get, and the more I learn about workplaces and how the bosses exploit, manipulate, and cheat workers … . I simply do not give a fuck, and I’ll call in for pretty near any reason.

  22. Dude it’s work. Fuck it. Folks feel too bad for not going to work. You work to live or live to work? I have called in sick because for way less than a hang over.

  23. In the marines we’d all get hammered on a weeknight and then wake up at 5 am for PT and then repeat multiple nights a week. Nowadays though fuck that I’m not showing up anywhere hungover 🤣

  24. If I don’t feel like going in, I use a sick day. Doesn’t matter the reason.

    Hangover? Mental health day? Didn’t sleep well? Actually sick? Playing hooky with my girlfriend? All valid reasons to use one. They give them to us for a reason, I’m gonna use them before I lose them.

  25. You americans are brainwashed, the amount of people using the word alcoholics, or acting as if taking a day off is a sin is crazy. Works work, while your employers continue to post record profits I think its alright to have a fucking day off.

  26. Lol most of these responses are insane. These people have never been invited to a Thursday happy hour and it shows 😂

    If you’re not feeling good, call in sick. If you have a toothache so bad that you can’t concentrate, then you’d call off. If you’re arm has unexplainable pain that prevents you from working, you’d call off. You got a hangover with a headache and you’re so nauseous that you’re in and out of the bathroom vomiting and shitting, call off.

    You can decide and define what a sick day means to you. You pay for the time off so use it at your discretion.

  27. It’s worth noting that in the UK there has been a court case where a company sacked an employee for “abusing” sickness to take holidays and for days taken when they weren’t sick. The employee sued for constructive dismissal and lost as the court agreed with the company that sick days are for genuine sickness and not an entitlement you can dip into because you want to have extra time off to suit your lifestyle.

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