I’m not talking merely above average or decent looking here. I am curious what life is like for the guys here to either are, or could pass for legitimate male models. Think the Calvin Klein superbowl model or a gerard butler super rugged type.

Is it true that women just throw themselves at you? Especially women in their 20s-30s, who might be very explicit about it. Or that some women are so visibly intimidated they’ll just stammer and melt talking to you? That when you strut into a room, you will turn the heads of girls and guys alike? That everyone is nice and courteous to you, will offer you free stuff, and give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you when you don’t even deserve it? Have you noticed any double standards yourself?

If you grew into your attractiveness, did you notice a drastic change in how you are treated? Thanks!

  1. it just helps get a conversation going and being more approachable. I still rely on my personality. I am nothing without that.

    I have never felt attractive, but i’ve always been told i am, not in a reassuring way, but in honest ways. strangers, people i just met. straight men i woke with. All my siblings are considered extremely attractive as well. so i suppose i am too but I never felt it myself, I’m muscular and athletic but a slim build, so i always felt skinny. but then I’ve had girls i hooked up with for the first time say “holly fuck!” when i take my shirt off. my boss even commented on my arms recently, was a slip of the tongue but she knew i caught it.

    so no no one through themselves at me. i was approached sure, i was able to get conversations going and it worked. but it always came to how i related to them. if i was in an off mood or just in my own head then i had nothing.

  2. Not a super attractive guy, but just adding this 2 cents. Almost any guy who is at least average can get a taste of what this is like by immersing yourself in a world of women who are not getting much action (i.e. – not attractive.) The lowest fruit here is to volunteer or get a job at at a retirement community. Not the kind of places people go to die, but a 55+ community. The attention you get from those ladies… that’s what it’s like to be really hot in the real world.

  3. Former male model here throughout my 20s.
    It’s interesting because you don’t know what life is like not looking how you do.

    I’ll write on my perspective from when I was modeling

    People were always nice to me.

    Women talked to me regularly.
    I was never a guy that approached women and if I found myself in natural conversation it could go for as long or as little as I wanted.

    Some of them did throw themselves. They were VERY forthcoming about what they wanted.

    Older men wanted to be my sugar daddy.

    I dated an interesting range of females. Many models. Two miss universes. One miss world

    I was regularly admitted to the social hot spots with a tier of women there that the movies could barely capture.

    And guess what…I met my dream woman. Sweet, modest, brilliant and the only woman I’ve ever taken home.

    None of those girls in my modeling heyday had anything my wife has.

    Life is absolutely different when you’re a tall model, but it’s also empty af.

  4. I definitely wouldn’t call myself “very” attractive but definitely above average. It was nice in college. Had women actually approach me sometimes, which was nice. I tend to think it helps when interviewing for jobs. Pretty sure I’ve read that attractive people are trusted more off the bat. And I’m not god-like status where it goes to the assumption that I’m stuck up. So it’s a good middle ground. That’s about it really

  5. I mentioned this elsewhere ITT but I’m not even *super* attractive and women have blatantly thrown themselves at me many times, so I imagine for super attractive guys it’s even crazier. And yeah, women sometimes stammer and stutter etc when talking to me. So if I was *actually* really hot, I can’t imagine how much more obvious the attraction would be.

  6. I often get randomly touched and grabbed when going out by girls that I haven’t even noticed yet but most of it is looots of eye locking attempts but as a introvert, nothing really comes out of it and my type of girl is rare to find apparently, still single at 30 years old 🙁

  7. I don’t know if I’d see myself as good looking but loads of girls always tell me that I should be a model and a lot of girls come up to me and just talk. I don’t like to say I’m good looking because before puberty I was fat and small but after puberty I’ve lost a lot of weight and built muscle and have long hair and a beard. I’m also 6 foot so that’s a bonus.

    For me it’s kinda weird because I don’t like just getting with women so confidence kinda puts me off for some reason. I also don’t want to get into a relationship if I don’t see it going anywhere. I’ve also got quite a few problems with anxiety disorders and OCD so I’m too nervous to show people who I actually am and have to be someone different around people.

    Basically looks mean nothing when you’re mentally unstable lol. I also think that there aren’t any very attractive people. I just think there are types and I know that there are a lot of women who wouldn’t go for me and would go for someone with a better personality.

  8. From my early 30s, I had a friend that had the body of Superman-era Henry Cavill, along with a chiseled jawline. He worked in finance and easily made $150K. Whenever we were out, women would approach him non-stop.

    He had zero interest. All he cared about was working out, hiking, working on his house, and his dog.

    He eventually met his wife through a hiking group. She is physically attractive, but not jaw-dropping. They just clicked.

    To my benefit, he was a shy and very polite guy. So he wouldn’t reject advances rudely and would end up talking to these women for a few minutes. I would use this opportunity to talk to their friends. Met several women this way.

  9. I have bounced in and out of being very attractive and not attractive depending on my fitness level. I think I have 9/10 charm and game as well, when not suffering from crippling social anxiety.

    When I’m fit and pretty… the women I’m attracted to see me first and do all the work. Their friends work in careful and silent coordination like a pack of wolves hunting elk in the snow to ensure that I’m alone with their friend at opportune times and that all blocking issues are removed. Sexual opportunities that are something out of a porno movie just kind of manifest themselves, and all you have to do is not fuck it up. These opportunities are even better if you can project confident sexual experience and a non-judgmental awareness/insight into women’s hidden sexual world (women are way rowdier than you think), which allows them to be their free and honest selves with the volume turned up to 10 on their sexual adventurousness. People are nicer to you and go out of their way to encourage you to be around.

    Unfortunately I’ve spent most of my life fat.

  10. Not one but have a friend who is one. Their life is a bit different than average looking guys.

  11. Honestly not that great for me. I’ve been told by a ton of people that I am attractive and I workout like a fiend so I definitely have an okay body. Many people have told me I am very intimidating and hard to approach. I think this happens to most people that are perceived as attractive. As a man you’re still expected in general to make the first move and women who think you’re too attractive for them don’t approach you out of fear. I never spent much time at bars and clubs tho so who knows when alcohol is involved

  12. Yes, women do just throw themselves at these guys. I worked with a guy like this that instantly made every other guy in the room invisible. You could watch the women turn into a flirty puddle after he said like 3 words to them. It was like a super power. It was effective on women anywhere from their 20’s to their 50’s, thin to fat, dumb to brilliant, and just about any other metric.

    There was no way to relate to him about women, because he never had to expend any effort to get them. He was very competent at his job, so there was no need for other perks you mention, but I largely suspect they would have been that if needed them. He eventually got married, and the girl he ended up couldn’t be described as anything other then average, but they did click on a level that he didn’t typically with other girls.

  13. I’d say I’m above average, I get compliments, approached, etc. The biggest difference is that at least compared what I hear from others, I don’t experience as much being treated as a threat (and I’m black). People tend to be open, relaxed, and friendly with me. I haven’t had to deal with the weirdness a lot of guys experience around kids, etc.

  14. Definitely not me but a friend turned heads when he entered a room. People jokingly called him a model and dudes who usually don’t talk about this were like “yeah, of course chicks dig him…just look at him.” Pivot to his late 30s and looks were fading and also didn’t matter as much as when we were younger. For the first time he had to deal with life as a normal human and no shit the dude had a full blown personal crisis when suddenly he lost the benefits of living in pretty people land.

  15. It started in fifth grade and girls would get downright nasty if I wasn’t interested in being in a relationship with them. I was bullied by them and made fun for rejecting them. I wasn’t interested in being in a relationship at that age and I was very shy so it was a bit traumatizing. In high school it was too much. Girls would wait outside the classroom for me, always expect hugs and some sort of attention, sneak pictures of me and even grope me at times. I would pretend to sleep in my classes so people would leave me alone. People would frequently act startled when they saw me for the first time and I could always catch someone looking at me or turning their head to see me. People would follow me in stores; I once had a middle-aged man follow me in Barnes and Nobles and start touching himself in front of me. I had a lot of older men try to befriend me only to reveal to they were in the closet (I’m not gay) and wanted something more after hanging out a few times. It was nice to receive attention to some degree but the amount of attention I would get was overwhelming at times, especially for an introverted shy kid. People always seemed interested in what I had to say and I always felt acknowledged when I entered a room or any kind of space. People were generally kind to me but a handful of dudes in high school seemed to hate me. I’m also a POC, but people generally treat me well.

    I signed with a well respected modeling agency in Miami at 16. In college I signed with Ford NY and another in LA. I think I stopped feeling attractive once I started modeling and attending castings – you really have to have thick skin because you get rejected a lot and you go to a lot of castings were everyone is physically perfect looking and I had to compete for work with guys I’ve seen in ads. I basically stopped comparing myself to normal people, only to other models. It was also not something I really wanted to do, but people were constantly telling me I should model and my mom was pushing me into it as well. But then no one talks about the amount of photographers that try to get you naked or agency people who try to get you to come over to their homes for extra castings. I should also mention that other models at castings were usually very friendly and encouraging, which was surprising to me. In my experience, people who are more conventionally attractive are nicer to me than others especially when it comes to dating. Some of the people I’ve dated who were less conventionally attractive were actually meaner and would neg me or try to “bring me down a notch”. It just doesn’t seem to work when the other person is insecure about their physical appearance.

    I’m in my late 30’s now, but look late 20’s and I still get attention when I go out, but it’s different – mostly people seem interested in me and what I have to say and then I find out later that so-and-so thinks you’re really hot. I still do appreciate the external validation I get from others but I don’t rely on it.

  16. Yes, all that. However, you can’t tell if a woman is flirting with you when they all flirt with you. They’re just friendly and you don’t know any different. I’ve actually had women literally jump into my convertible MGB as if they dropped out of the sky. It was fun! And the gay guys…even more fun!

  17. Have worked as an actual model in the past, still kinda sorta do:

    I’ve definitely had instances where a woman (or man, much more common) to give me the ol up and down with a twinkle in their eye, but more often than not you still have to do the majority of the work with your personality. I’ve noticed that if I’m really on my game fitness-wise, that’s when it happens most, and being tall doesn’t hurt.

    Same with random strangers, I noticed when I dropped a bunch of weight to begin modeling, people were suddenly much nicer to me, I got a much warmer reception when interacting with strangers, and generally people were nicer. It honestly shook me up a little bit.

    So to answer your question; my life is probably the same as yours 90% of the time.

  18. I know a guy who’s that level of attractive. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Women constantly approach him. To the point where it’s an inconvenience to him lol his words not mine

  19. I answered a similar question once and I was called a liar. So I will simply say, I have had some wild and unbelievable stories happen in my life.

  20. Don’t know that I’m quite *that* level, but attractive enough that anyone would generally agree I am, whether or not I’m their type.

    I usually wind up in conversation with (new) women when I’m out in a social setting and want to be social, without much effort.

    “Throwing themselves” at me, not quite (unless they’re drunk). Moving closer to me and basically waiting for me to say something is definitely a thing. And if I really don’t do anything for long enough there’s a decent chance they’ll get bold enough to try to start the conversation.

    Turning heads – depends on if I want to be noticeable or not. Posture, attitude, facial expressions, etc have a lot to do with that and it’s not that hard to “hide” if I don’t want to deal with people.

    > That everyone is nice and courteous to you, will offer you free stuff, and give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you when you don’t even deserve it?

    I would phrase it as you start off as at the level of a known friendly acquaintance/distant friend and are treated like one, rather than as a stranger.

    People are generally happy to see/interact with you. Service sector staff are more likely to (without being pressured to) give you an upgrade, make an exception to a policy, and generally do more than was expected. Interviews start off positively inclined.

    In a sense I “deserve” the trust people extend, because I don’t abuse their trust, but it is fair to say that people are very trusting before I’ve objectively done anything to earn it. It is weird to be the one at times going “you should tell your friends where you’re going and with who” when they’d not have bothered.

  21. I know a guy who is pretty attractive, even (especially) now in his early 40’s.

    He scores 8/10 on looks, he is disagreeable, charming, dominant, decisive, emotionally manipulative, and a total piece of shit. Women love him. They throw themselves at him, he loves the attention, he loves how they respond when he reels them in and then ignores them, he drives them crazy and they love it and hate it. But they can’t leave him alone.

    When he got married 10 years ago he was seeing somebody else (this all came out later) and he maintained a 10 year long affair through his marriage having 2 separate daughters, by simply making his ladies feel bad because they did some imagined thing wrong, and then forgiving them later. By flaking out on them and blaming it in them, and then “forgiving” them and rewarding them with attention and care and charm and special feelings.

    Total piece of shit.

    The wife and gf found out about each other, met up, realised that he was the problem (not each other) and they should cut him out of their lives and off from his daughters.

    A year later he’s still living with his wife, and taking that daughter to play with her half sister while he spends time with the gf. Both women are devastated, and traumatised but they just love the rollercoaster.

    I won’t have him near me or my friend group (although he hangs out with some people in my extended group). When all the shit came out he cut contact with anybody who sat in judgement over him (including his parents, brother and disabled sister who misses him like crazy) and only hung out with people who let it slide.

    So yeah, if that’s the life I don’t want it.

    But being in the ignored 80% sucks balls.

  22. I’m not saying I’m at that level, but I have stuff going for me (>6’3, athletic, dress well, etc). Like, I’ve been asked to model by people in that industry before, mostly just because I was with my girlfriend who models though.

    Women approach me with some regularity when I go out, maybe once a night on average a random girl will cold approach, where considerably more will do stuff like linger on eye contact or whatever to imply that I should. I’ve had women (much less often than that) ask me straight up to hook up, been handed phone numbers or phones on contact screen without me asking, or a couple times without even talking first, been catcalled, girls generally paid for stuff for me rather than vice versa, etc. I don’t think I’ve ever asked a woman on a “date” who I didn’t already have some kind of relationship with. So yeah at least some women will throw themselves at least some guys.

    I guess because of that I don’t really see getting with women as a big deal. I don’t feel a sense of accomplishment from it or anything like other people seem to feel. I floated around with only casual stuff for a while and then settled down with my partner a pretty long time ago at this point. She let me live with her for free and helped support me for a year pretty early in our relationship which I guess is probably hard to swing.

    A random thing is that I used to get hit on by gay dudes a lot when I worked at a restaurant in highschool, and honestly that helped me *a lot* with learning how to talk to women, because it showed me what it was like to be hit on by someone you aren’t interested in (all dudes for me), and how some ways of flirting aren’t a big deal at all if the recipient is uninterested, and others are horribly uncomfortable.

    FWIW I think women are on average more socially fluent than men, like are less awkward when they approach someone and they read social cues more reliably. I don’t think I’ve ever been made genuinely uncomfortable being approached by a woman I wasn’t attracted to. They generally notice pretty quickly that it’s not happening and pivot out of it. Guys will sometimes just not get it and not go away. It might just be a selection bias though, since probably only a specific kind of woman (at least very confident) will ever cold approach a guy.

    Probably I’ve historically had an unfair advantage at work, but I think that mostly went away working remotely. I definitely feel coworkers online as a lot less warm/trusting/etc than in real life, and I guess some of that is probably just a lack of unconscious bias that I’m used to going in my favor.

    Random rant I guess, but that’s my honest experience.

  23. Idk about male model but I’ve lived a well privileged life in the sex department for most of my life. I wouldnt say they throw themselves at me but they wont hesitate to eye fuck me or give suggestive stares or do heavy flirting. I can tell right away when they find me attractive I’ve even seen some girls pupils dilate before me mid conversation. Although I don’t notice it very often my wife says women look or stare at me all the time. Though I have noticed some are just intimidated. Nearly everyone I meet likes me without really knowing anything about me, it can get annoying sometimes. You never know if people actually like you or just in awe of your appearance. I normally get tremendous trust right off bat and even when I mess up they quickly move on from the situation. The double standard is very real.

    After 28 it kicked into overdrive because I started getting tons of attention from women in every age group specially the older ones (40-50) Now in my 30’s its basically a known thing plus with my wife enhancing it, none of the women around her have shame in expressing how they find me sexually attractive including some of the women in her family. In the last few years I’ve made more female
    friends than male ones which has caught me by surprise. It can get awkward if they’re married.

  24. I was dating a women way out of my league. She had previously dated a male model cover of Men’s Health kind of guy. They went out to eat and the waitress came to the table and took his order and walked away. Completely forgot there was someone else at the table.

  25. In my experience, people are super intimidated by how attractive I am, but at the same time the attraction is able to overcome some of that intimidation so it kind of balances out and people just end up treating me like an average looking dude.

    It’s kind of weird but you get used to it.

  26. Half the replies – “I don’t consider myself attractive”

    *proceeds to provide evidence proving contrary*

    Some of y’all gorgeous, stop being so humble. LOVE YOURSELF. Us average mf still love you (or maybe just me), even if we want just 1% of what you guys have experienced. 💙

  27. I fit a certain ‘type’very well, and my buddy is like a marble statue. Life is good. People assume we are more trustworthy, more competent, and everything we say is at least twice as funny, and half as offensive, as it were from an average Joe.

    He haven’t had any problem with this, and became a huge fuckboy, until he settled down with a girl who was out of league even for him.

    I became resentful of the drooling zombies, and now my idea of a perfect woman starts, and ends with capable of genuinely good conversation, and has an interest in the world and the people in it. I did the fuckboy thing for like 2 years, and one day I was, nope, this is disgusting, they are disgusting, I’m demeaning myself. And I ended it.

    Let me say, that our mutual pool of basically whomever we wanted, which is more than 1500 girls, presents the devastating reality that 10/10-s are like 100 times more common, than girls with the kind of intellect, and femininity, that fills my heart with joy

  28. The main guys I go out with and myself all get approached by women most nights, so I guess that’s means we’re decently attractive.

    Then a friend of a friend came out one night, he is a man dime. 6’5 Adonis dude. Hot women were throwing themselves at him like he was famous. It was insane, he actually would get annoyed. We left a bar because we got interrupted by women too many times and went somewhere quieter. As soon as we sat down there, this FINE ass girl goes “how tall are you?”.

    The surprising part is he doesn’t feel that differently about dating as the rest of us. Finding a good connection is hard, we won’t click with most people, and taking home bar girls gets old.

  29. Well, I’m happily married with 2 kids. So my life is no different than most men who are married with kids. People are very nice to me, no one really disrupts me and pretty much all women smile at me as they walk by. I nod and smile back. I’ve had numerous women try to take their shot, but again, I’m happily married.

    So, it just kinda makes my day more pleasant without adding anything to it really. That’s about it.

    Regarding the undertones of “how awesome is the sex life?” part of the question. I’ve had sex with 1 woman. We met in HS and I really didn’t consistently get this kind of attention until I was about 30. I’m 38 now, the attention just keeps increasing. We met at 16 and I’ve only had sex with her. I don’t have any regret about that and have no intention of having sex with other women.

  30. I can tell you that being an unattractive male makes you very distrusting of people. Like, I’m not attractive, so if you’re coming up to me it’s obviously to manipulate me into giving you something, probably because you assume I’m desperate for human interaction

  31. I’m 5 foot 8, pudgy, balding, and have man boobs. I’ve found OnLine that some chicks like that as a fetish. Score, score score

  32. I did modeling and acting as a child but nothing major. Mostly local TV and ads. I worked my way through college as a bartender at a bar/club that was a known cougar den. I wouldn’t say I’m a 10 but I realize by the way I’m treated that I’m definitely attractive. I’ve been treated like a celebrity but I’m certainly not. I’ve always been able to simply open doors my friends say they would never get close to without me. I think it’s a combination of above average looks and a charismatic personality.

    Difficulty hit in my late 20’s. I lost my wife and daughter’s mother and ended up as a single dad. Family frequently tried to set me up. I got hit on a lot by my daughter’s friends and their mothers. It resulted in jealous accusations from moms that I rejected. Most of the moms were married and I wasn’t interested in putting my daughter in a spot by dating her friends’ moms even if they were single and attractive.

    I’m in my late 40’s and still pretty fit, have all my hair, and not much grey so I don’t look like I’m nearing 50. I’m still good classically good looking, think Robert Redford. It’s still a problem, female clients and employees sometimes misread my kindness and generosity despite my efforts to make it clear I’m strictly business.

  33. I can’t believe nobody has commented about me yet. Maybe I’m not as good looking as I thought. God I’m such a loser

  34. Seeing the answers here, I just hate how much value we give beauty. It doesn’t matter which gender. We’re so biased as humans and would probably excuse a few red flags if the person looks like an absolute super model and our dream person. As for guys and girls, who’re average looking, we alnost need to be perfect in any other aspect in order to have a chance. I wish it wouldn’t be like this but I feel like it was always like this no matter the age/culture or century.

    But beauty is such a complex construct. In europe you might be a super model, but in africa you might be just a normal looking person same goes the other way around.

    I wished very often that I would be more attractive, to have it easier on the dating market but I really have to make an effort to find someone.

  35. It’s alright. Loads of pussy. But you get over that phase pretty quickly. It’s easy to get girls. But there’s much more to life than just that. A soul partner, a strong skill set, a good stable job. I’ve struggled with these in the past.

  36. Not a man but I once dated a guy who was incredibly attractive, model-level gorgeous. He was 6’4”, slim but muscular with dark brown, flowing hair and piercing blue eyes, and he was a talented musician with a great sense of style on top of that. I don’t usually go for pretty guys like that, I tend to date a lot of dorks because of my interests (that’s a compliment, not a complaint) but he asked me out and we had some stuff in common so I gave it a chance.

    He knew he was extremely attractive and so did everyone who met him. Girls would flirt with him right in from of me even if I was holding his hand! He often got free drinks, and I think a combination of confidence and good looks made it so that he could convince anyone to do pretty much whatever he wanted. He could get into the club for free, he could meet whoever he wanted, you get it. He ended up being kind of a psycho.. not sure if it was related to all of those perks he got from being extremely attractive. I swear he could have gotten away with murder by the way people fawned over him everywhere we went.

  37. About 10 years ago, I had a good friend who looked a lot like young Tom Cruise, he was a fitness freak and always took care of his body. When we would go out club hopping, he had all types of women trying to talk to him or buy him drinks. He’d usually just take the most attractive ones home for the night. His last body count that he told me was around 300 women.

  38. My friend is supermodel hot and he doesn’t even try. Gets numbers wherever we go. He can pick and chose like it’s a menu.

    BUT, he can’t get an erection. He has progesterone issues and his body has issues even using medication.

  39. Thirty years ago…
    Women would approach me in bars to touch my arms or my chest. Men would want to touch my abs.
    Sometimes women I wasn’t involved with would wake me up by stroking my face and staring at me. Sometimes I would be woken.up by pretty much being sexually assaulted, at house parties.
    When I was a bartender I had women ask me to be their last fling before marriage.
    A gorgeous 10/10 Mexican girl friend approached me in a bar to take me home. She was so stunning that people would ask to take her picture when we were together in public.
    At parties women would walk up to me and say “I am sleeping with you tonight”
    I didn’t let it go to my head, I wasn’t vain or full of myself, but as these things happened I realized I was well above average.
    These days I am a school teacher, a dad, and happily married to a woman I love and respect.
    It’s been a good life so far!

  40. It’s not glamorous. All that shit women say men do when they’re rejected? Women are WORSE. Seems like it’s highly personal to them, and the hotter they are the meaner they get.

    Outside of dating, getting jobs is easy lol. Like I don’t think I’ve ever been turned down after a face to face interview, because many businesses that are customer/client facing would rather have me in the room even if I had a room temperature iq than a tenured expert with a beer gut.

    I’ve thought about intentionally gaining weight so I can know who really likes me for me, but being fit is too awesome to give up. The day I can’t do a cartwheel my soul will die.

  41. This one is going to sound weird. I got a nice pair of shades lately. You never realise how much people will look at you when they think you can’t see them… at first I was paranoid, then I felt like I was just being cocky, but the amount women that *STARED* at me was astounding!

    I’ve been complimented/approached a few times, but never thought much of it given my height, but I do remember a huge change in the way I was treated since hitting puberty and losing weight. Still feels surreal.

    Having said all that, I was raised to be polite to a fault, so in my experience, women motivated by lust don’t really stick around too long and what’s left is a great set of female friends. (I am happily taken, so I don’t mind the mutual “friend zoning”).


  42. Life is decent for ya boi (tall, black athlete, 25). Women will definitely approach me more often, at the very least once per outing. They’re more forward with their intentions and giving their numbers/socials, and conversations can go on typically as long as I want. I’ll get looks, winks, invitations to touch/grab, drinks will be bought for me, men will compliment my physique and fashion, and people are generally nice to me, and I’m sure to be nice back as much as possible. But I’m holding out for the pretty girl I met back in college. She’s currently doing a grad program abroad and 5 months have passed since we last were together in person. She’s had a busy few months and some personal things happen that turned her off to a relationship unfortunately

  43. Well I’m a chick, my dude is ridiculously hot, to the point it got tiresome hearing everyone comment on how hot my boyfriend is. However. He’s a nerd and extremely socially awkward, borderline agoraphobic I’d say. Prefers not to leave the house, and doesn’t have a good self esteem. You gotta go places to get hit on….so I don’t think he has had too much of that.

  44. Pretty easy and fun in some regards and very weird in others. Life is definitely not boring, I feel like many opportunities open up to me.

    You kind of live in a bubble, I always felt like people are very nice in general because everybody is so nice to me.
    I’ve starred in music videos and series etc just for fun, didn’t need acting skills I just passed with looks.
    People would go out of their way to help me if I ask for something and whenever I mess up I’d get the benefit of the doubt. Strangers and close friends constantly joke or in some way work in your attractiveness into conversations, like it’s an obvious thing. It wasn’t until I was 18 that I realised this was only my experience.

    The flip side is that it’s hard to relate to people, unless they live in the same bubble as you. I only have two male friends who are in this bubble, it was a breath of relief to confine in each other about this because you never know if your alone. One of them is in a relationship and he has stopped going out clubbing completely, because women literally throw themselves at him and he wants to avoid those situations.

    When it comes to women, when you have such an easy pick of women to date, I think that personality becomes much more important. There are many attractive women that I could be with, but someone’s personality is far more unique and valuable if that makes sense. This tends to frustrate beautiful women I have noticed.
    An example, I was out alone abroad, met a plus size woman who is not necessarily the most attractive, but she was so much fun and bubbling personality so of course we had a good time and danced. Another lady (very beautiful!) come up between us to dance with me. She grabbed my hand an pushed close with a sort of possessiveness and told me to dance with her. This instantly turned me off and I told her thanks for the dance, but that I already was with someone. She was in disbelief as I tried to move away from her, she held on to my hand, firmly to the point it actually hurt, and she said with some hatred in her voice “nobody says no to me”.
    She would not let go and kept insisting we dance and even suggested we leave together, I literally had to yank myself away from her before she stormed off.

    In terms of men things get weird. Since I was 17 and looked somewhat mature, men who are interested would grab me and touch me. This happens anywhere from public transport, nightlife, even male servers at restaurants have touched me, one started massaging my shoulders. One of my employers slapped my ass. I was out once trying to get in a club, this guys was gone help me get in and then proceeded to bring me to his apartment instead for some drinks, I got very bad gut feeling from him and decided to leave. Quite many times a man has tried to get me to go with him home. These situations are extremely uncomfortable, I feel secure because I’m fit and know how to protect myself, but I can only imagine what it’s like for women who go through this more regularly.

    Also men who try to befriend me get possessive or jealous of my attention. Some guys idolise me in the sense that they believe I know something they don’t about women or life (I blame pick up artists and that kinda bullsh*t). Insecure guys try to put me down and even can get damn right nasty towards me, especially if they are with their girlfriend. So many times I see a guy with his girlfriend in public notice me, girl looks at me, the boyfriend starts arguing with her and she ends up staring at the floor looking red faced while the guy looks at me with anger. Sometimes the girl has self respect and just leaves the boyfriend where he is. These girls are actually not trying to flirt or anything they look at me like anybody does, so it’s more about the boyfriends insecurities at that point. So don’t do that.

    One more weird thing I’ve noticed, children love me. Like kids to teenagers. I think humans are more comfortable with “beautiful “ faces, not in an attractiveness way if that makes sense. I’ve just noticed that whenever I’d meet kids in my family, or anywhere else for that matter, they disregard others my age and just go straight to me to talk about stuff or punch me or whatever. They will say thinks like “you look much more handsome than (insert celeb)” or you should be a streamer because look famous and those kind of things. This would also happen when I worked as a waiter and served families, which was quite weird imo but they would always leave big tips so I didn’t mind.

    Oh yeah people give you money. I was the worst waiter you could possibly imagine, but I always got hella tips. People thought it was cute or felt bad for me when I messed up and I think they even gave me more then.

    I’m quite introverted by nature, but I’ve become an extrovert simply as a result of the positive experience I get from being social. I’m sure it will end when I get old and gray but for now I enjoy it.

  45. Well, having had an actress who was the ex-wife of a Hollywood heartthrob ask me for my number at a bar, and numerous other stories (but none as memorable as that one), yes to most all those things. I am however shorter in stature 5’7”, which is considered a minus and deducts a point to some of the more shallow women. But I am an athletic build, and physically in great shape which helps.

    The celebrities strangers, friends and family have compared me to most are: Brad Pitt, Justin Bieber and Tom Cruise or a blonde Dave Franco (the latter is probably the closest realistically).

    Yes, unfortunately society as a whole will treat you better when you are very good looking. Yes, it will make you inevitably become a bit douchey if you’re not careful. Because when you become objectified for your looks, it’s not all good things. I have been targeted at night clubs, drugged and nearly kidnapped at age 21 (I escaped luckily).

    If you are kind and sweet, it is still a harsh world to live in. Girls will want to fuck you and even treat you like an object thinking they can speak about you while you’re present. Guys, even good friends, will inevitably be jealous of you, so you have to be on your toes because they’ll try to find any little trait to tear you down just because you’re annoyingly handsome and take female attention from them. If you’re not an ass hole and refuse to become one, it’s really not all that great.

    All in all yes you do get treated really good because you’re hot, but you also can get treated worse by some people you don’t even know just because they know you probably had it easier, because of your looks. I feel like I know what it’s like to be a woman because guys that identify as straight will even make jokes about fucking you. It’s not easy being a “pretty boy” when you’re the age of a grown man. But we all have our own unique experiences here on earth. Beauty truly is skin deep, and as I age the more I realize how much I want to be beautiful on the inside.

  46. Plain Jane here and I married a 9.9 guy (looks wise, plus a job and his own place). Can confirm that it was the common interests that he was fascinated in. I was in shock that he was super interested and chasing me.. I originally thought “here is a player” “I will see where it goes. “ He hated the thought that people assumed he was a player. We married a year later and my son is an exact replica for his late date.. as a grown up. People say get your son into modeling.. but I would prefer he is out of that scene

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