I’ll be turning 33 by the end of this month and have been getting really self conscious lately about my age. On paper, I have a pretty great life. I work as a health care worker making over 6 figures, paid off all debt completely, got my own studio in a luxury apartment, generally well liked by my boss and coworkers, have a great girlfriend who loves me dearly and will probably start a family with in the near future, have friends and family who are still happy and healthy, etc.

However deep down inside, I don’t know, I feel like where has all the time gone? I realize I spent so much time on hardship and trying to be successful in my twenties, and I’m just now living a good life but I’m old(er) now. I have coworkers who are younger than me and are making just as much, and I can’t help but feel envious. I’ve also become self conscious about telling people about my age. There’s also some very attractive younger nurses at my job, and I can’t help but feel like an old creep when I talk to them.

Can anyone else relate? How do I come into terms with aging gracefully? I know I’m not that old, but I’m at that point where it’s bothering me. When I was in my twenties, people actually guessed I was much younger. But now that I’m in my 30s people can accurately guess my age now as well, and it sorta bothers me as well.

**TLDR: spent my entire youth trying to be successful, but now that I’m actually sorta am (decently successful), I’m old now and I’m getting jealous of people younger than me. I feel like my youth was wasted among other insecurities**

1 comment
  1. Contentment is something few attain in life. As you go on pursuing desire after desire, you only move further away from it. Ask Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk if they’re truly content/happy and if they are honest they will say no.

    My advice: if you’ve been with your gf for a few years, get engaged to her. Don’t talk to younger nurses at work unless it’s your job to do so. Make friends with other men, or married couples your gf gets along with, as well.

    May I ask, are you religious/spritual at all?

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