When was the last time you were proud of yourself for something? What was it?

  1. I ran 8 miles. Before that, my longest run was 5 miles so I really wasn’t sure if I could do it. I set out to at least do 6 miles and see how I felt. I got to that point and felt good and decided to finish it out

  2. I managed my anger.

    I met a girl that I liked. She lost touch with me for a week, and it sucked. When she got back in touch, it really wasn’t her fault, and I was genuinely understanding, even though my innate response is to be upset with her.

    This showed growth, as this is why my last relationship ended.

  3. Kinda mixed but I realized last week that the 30+ pounds I had lost 2 years ago and kept off has slowly returned. Last week I shifted gears and changed my diet and am already down 4 lbs.

  4. I beat DS2 all 3 DLCs with sorcery. For those who don’t know, almost everything in those DLCs is resistant to magic so it’s a slow sludge. But I did it and without dying too many times.

  5. Recently took control of my diet and workout pattern, lost 3 KGs in just four weeks.

  6. This week.

    Long story short. I competed in my first Roller Derby Championship this year 🛼 After a lot of build up and anxiety, initially saying I wasn’t going to play any of the games, I jammed every game (ended up jamming the most) and was awarded some “Best Jammer” certificates by our opponents. Our team came 2nd overall🥈Medals were handed out this week. Proud of us all

  7. I’m learning how to swim. A couple weeks ago I managed to swim ~30ft without any assistance. I felt overjoyed doing it.

  8. I decided to apply to be a foster parent.

    I’m getting up there in age and I’m not doing so hot in the dating market. I don’t want to settle and I don’t want to rush.

    I’m hoping one day I can be lucky enough to be a parent. I know it won’t be easy but I’m sure there are plenty of kids in foster care looking for anyone willing to take the chance.

    I feel anxious yet proud of finally taking the step.

  9. I planted a wildflower garden,

    I have no idea how to garden

    But it grew anyway

  10. Resurfaced my deck a few weeks back, I’m pleased with how it turned out.

  11. I fixed a hole in the roof of my house when there was a gap in the stormy weather and despite it being a really difficult job due to the wind, I succeeded before the weather returned.

    That was the last time I was proud of myself for a real accomplishment that didn’t involve my day job. It was all just me, beating the clock and saving my house from further damage at the height of winter.

    It was just honest work.

  12. This morning!

    ….I defeated that voice in the back of my mind encouraging me to hit the snooze button when my alarm went off at 4:30am. Dragged my ass out of bed to do a 5k brisk walk (even though it was already 96f outside), got an arms/shoulder workout done in my garage gym (even though it was already 104f in there), between sets I did my 2nd half of the week meal prep and made breakfast. S, S & S and off to the office where I put out a small dumpster fire that someone asked me to help with.

    It’s barely 9:30am but already feel productive and it’s motivating me to keep crushing it all day long!

    Just reminding you all to celebrate every little achievement…they all add up and you deserve to feel good about yourself each and every day! Go get it kings! 💪

  13. Being a software engineer, i ordered some hardware and played around and actually made it work!! Proud and a life checklist checkmark event.

    Then wifey came, fought for some reason and sucked the whole pleasure out off a thing i wanted to do for 5+ years now.
    Not getting back to it anytime soon!!

  14. My Upper Control Arms needed to be changed and suspension work isn’t something I’ve spent a lot of time doing. I’ve pulled engines and got old cars working before but suspension things are scary.

    I’m broke and I couldn’t afford labor costs so I bought a UCA, rented a high carbon breaker bar, and a 30mm impact socket (socket and high carbon breaker bar were only for the lower strut bolt.) Half a can of rust penetrant and 6 hours later, I need an alignment

  15. The first time I deadlifted 600+lbs. It was a huge milestone for me, and I never thought I’d get there without gear. Not long after I got hurt at work and just never chased numbers like that again.

  16. I got accepted to a decent business school and was offered a significant scholarship that I had to apply for to get. I felt really proud of getting that scholarship because I hadn’t had something like that happen to me in a long time.

  17. Last week, managed to pull of some double lunges properly in my fencing course. Felt good to land the thrust.

  18. Just today I spent 2 hours trying to land a boardslide for the first time, I did it, feeling immediately went away when I realized I didn’t have music and my phone, which I was using to record when Id land it, died

  19. Dealer quoted me $200 to change cabin and air filters on my car. I said no and bought BOTH the cabin and air filter for $50ish and did it myself.

    So proud, I looked for other things I can fix.

  20. I bought a very original bithday gift for my niece. She is a teenager who still lives with her mother (my sister).

    I got her three small (350 ml), unbreakable and airtight resealable plastic containers. She can keep her own bars of soap seperate from her young twin brothers and her mom.

    This is far more hygienic AND the three small containers (120 fl oz ) each have their own pretty colour. Of course I added an expensive bar of soap to give her a “running start”.

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