What is an ugly truth you struggled to come to terms with in therapy?

  1. That my parents (mostly my mother) were/are emotionally immature and abusive. It was so normalised my whole childhood, I knew they weren’t great parents but I didn’t realise the amount of trauma I experienced until it surfaced in therapy.

  2. That no one is coming to save you, gotta put your big girl pants on and save yourself.

  3. The reason my mean friends from 13 still effect me today isn’t just because I struggled to get over it, but because everyone in my support circle (family, other friends, etc) didn’t believe me or made it feel like it was my fault for not telling them until after I left that friendship

  4. Even though there will be friends and family around, I am still an individual, and I need to start accepting that being alone is good. Being alone doesn’t need to feel lonely.

  5. My birth mother doesn’t like me and never will. She only acts like it when she wants something.

  6. No one owes you love, even if they’ve said they loved you before… people change, feelings change, it happens.
    It’s a hard truth.

  7. That I didn’t have good models for a healthy relationship growing up and my tendency to enter long term partnerships with bad men and people I wasn’t compatible with because I was just “going with the flow” was ruining my life.

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