How can I ask this as friends without seeming interested. He knows I have a boyfriend so that should remove some romantic intent. But I feel so awkward asking him if we could hang. Say what? Wanna hang sometime? Wanna bowl? Idk

Advice please on how to navigate this. It would probably be one on one

1 comment
  1. The easiest way is to mention something you’d like to do after work and ask if he wants to tag along. (this assumes you’re working the same shift/timeframe) So it would look like, “Hey, I’m stopping at Le Cafe for something to eat after work today. Want to come?”

    Oftentimes the first time you drop an invitation like this the person will be a little surprised and will say no automatically. But if they have a generally positive response (seem happy) that you asked, it’s more likely they’ll say yes the next time.

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