I got 65 seconds on the map quiz back during election season, now I forget which one is Arizona and which one is New Mexico.

  1. I can. But I couldn’t when I was younger. I probably couldn’t do it until I was about 40 years old.

  2. yeah, we had loads of map tests in school & they’re eternally etched into my brain.

  3. Yes. The only states that ever give me a moment’s pause are New Hampshire and Vermont, due to their similar sizes. I have to remember that the skinnier part of New Hampshire points up and the skinnier point of Vermont points down.

  4. I got 50 bonus points in history once for labeling all of the states correctly.

    NM is closer to Texas and Arizona is next to California. The other tricky one is Vermont and New Hampshire. Vermont is the one that is more V shaped.

    I’m not some genius. I just used to have this map game. “Learning” toys were just starting to be a thing when I was about 10 or 11, so I just learned over time.

  5. gonna be highly biased answers because most people aren’t gonna rush to tell you they cant do something

    i will throw a no in the mix though, i definitely couldn’t

  6. In the west, yes, easily. On the east coast? Nope. Never been, and there are lots of them. I’d get the big ones, but probably miss 25% of the others.

  7. In highschool my US History teacher would stand at the chalkboard and draw the map. I always thought that was really impressive.

    Don’t remember much else… other than cheating on my final paper and getting away with it.

  8. With an empty map? Easily.

    Can I name all 50 dry? Harder, might miss a few, I imagine I’d get to the mid-high 40s.

  9. Maybe. It falls under ‘shit you learned and know but if you don’t reference it occassionally then you momentarily forget and when it comes up you go “oh yeah….”‘.

  10. Yes, I know all the states and where they are on a map. I’m no so good with state capitals, though.

  11. Yes, pretty sure I can do the same quiz in less than a minute. Can get all the state capitals, too. I stare at maps quite often.

  12. Noppers. Definitely not. Like I’d get the general vicinity, but the middle north area is often like mush in my brain. But geography WAS the only class I got a C in back in high school, so it’s never been my strong point.

  13. I just did one and got 60% in 2:53

    All the tiny states towards the east coast are hard for me. I need my big squares to know whats going on

  14. CANT forget California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas.

    Yes. Now I certainly don’t remember how to label all the major rivers in Europe, and I’m still not real certain why my 10th grade history teacher thought that was important

  15. I get Vermont and New Hampshire confused, but I could probably get everything else.

  16. Definitely. I love maps. At one point I could label every county in New Mexico. I probably still could get most of them.

  17. Many people to go Grand Canyon from Las Vegas, so if you know this, naturally Arizona is the one bordering Nevada.

  18. Yeah. I knew most of them before but in 9th grade we had a quiz and I studied so hard bc I wanted to make a 100. I did 😊

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