So, me (18, m) and my bf (20, m) have been talking about going on a trip this summer, but the only thing stoping us from that is that both my parents need to go to an attorney for some papers that allow me to leave the country, the problem is my dad isn’t in town for the period and we can’t get the papers. Both me and my bf were upset about this but can’t do anything about it. Now i was just talking to my bf about my sister visiting and he told me that one of his friends ( 20-ish, f) invited him on vacation out of the country.
She invited both of us at first but then my bf explained the situation to her. She told him that the two of them could go without me and that my boyfriend could then take me on a trip in the country after he’s back. I immediately said no. I’m still a bit shocked that he’d even consider going without me, when we were specifically talking about going together. What do you think about all this? (English is not my first language so sorry if there are some mistakes)

1 comment
  1. Why shouldn’t he go? What’s the issue?

    You literally cannot go. Expecting him to stay home because you can’t go is selfish.

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