I met a guy and we became FWB. His sex is absolutely amazing. He does things to me no other man has. He is gentle and he is attentive to my body. Recentlyhe started petting me and forehead kissing me while we are intimate. Is there something that goes through a guys head when doing these things? Is it that he now cares for me and is trying to show that or am I reading to much into it
We live together. I got put in a bad situation and he allows me to stay with him. Until I can get back in my feet.

  1. I think, as you said, you’re reading too much into it. You said that he is already gentle and attentive, this sounds like an extension of that.

    If you enjoy this as part of the experience, just enjoy it. If it bothers you, gently let him know the boundaries.

    I believe a big part of sex is communication, and most of that communication tends to be nonverbal. Simply put, it’s probably his way of showing you that he cares and is enjoying being with you.

  2. I mean… everyone is different? I don’t know his motivation behind it, I don’t usually pet my wife (don’t think I ever have?) the way you’re describing.

    If you don’t like it, ask him not to. If you don’t mind… then just let it go? I don’t know. Everyone has their odd things they’re into. If its not harmful… then why not?

  3. Everyone is different. I wouldn’t say I pet my wife’s body during sex, but I caress it for sure. I run my hands around her body all the time. The forehead kissing happens when we are for sure more intimate than just fucking. We’ve categorized it into two separate forms of sex: ‘dancing’ (which is basically everything goes) and the stereotypical ‘making love’ where we typically go a lot slower and where the forehead kisses occur and making out usually are longer. Definitely more you would see in lovey-dovey films.

    If you thought it was something more and are hoping for something more, discuss it with him. I’m not gonna tell you that you’re going to receive the answer you want or hoped for, but if he’s meeting your needs like this physically, he cares to an extent more than just his own pleasure and that’s always a plus.

  4. I love the feeling of a woman’s hair sliding through my hands. Maybe he is the same. Maybe I’m him 🤔

  5. Reciprocate! Run your hands gently up and down him. We like to be touched. Touch him all over. Run your hands through his hair. Lots of eye contact.

    Could be nothing. Could be that he likes you more than FWB.

  6. Ugh the petting to me is obnoxious. I have been with quite a few hookups that pet and are extra “lovey”. Personally for me its annoying as I just wanted to fuck. I do not think it means a single thing other than thats his style when he is intimate. The worst thing you could do is read into sex. Especially casual or fwb sex. Unless everything outside of sex screams “I have feelings for you!” (And you WILL know without a doubt if thats the case – guys don’t play hard to get) its most likely not a thing.

  7. My boyfriend has definitely been more intimate while having sex over the past couple of months. A lot more caressing my face, and I love it.

  8. I’ve slept with like 50+ men and have never had one do this. Don’t generalize

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