My parents are visiting us (from my home country, Pakistan) and staying with us for about 3 months in the UK. My wife (originally from South American country) actually invited them over as we haven’t seen them in a very long time (we got married during pandemic).

For first two days, wife was excited to have them, greeted them, took them for shopping when I wasn’t around. But lately, things have not been good. She talks to them when required. Sometimes not a single conversation the whole day.

But something that’s hard for me to digest is- not even a hi/good morning when they wake up and come to kitchen/living room space. Doesn’t even look at them. I do say good morning to both of them while sipping my coffee.

I brought this up early on and she said “they didn’t reply”. I ignored hoping they’ll figure things out. But now I see it everyday. I think even if you’re introvert, and not want to talk, or whatever- saying hi, acknowledging a human being- an elder human being- should be OK.

I know she’s overwhelmed having them over. They usually keep cooking in the kitchen for us. And maybe she feels that’s like invading the space.

How can I bring this up again with her? I don’t want it to turn to a fight.

  1. Ask her if she’s been stressed about anything in particular and what you can do to help.

  2. Is she saying that when she spoke to them to say “good morning” that they didn’t reply back? If so, when you say “good morning” to them do they reply to you?

  3. > I brought this up early on and she said “they didn’t reply”.

    Just so that I’m understanding correctly, she’s saying that early on when she did greet them, they didn’t reply back? If that is the case, why is the issue with her? If I repeatedly said ‘good morning’ to a guest in my house and they just didn’t reply, well, I would probably stop greeting them altogether too.

  4. I have a wonderful solution for you. It is called AirBnb. Three months is way too long.

  5. Proverb:

    Fish and company stink after three days. A guest who overstays will cease to be welcome.

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