I’ve heard that some places like Glasgow and Liverpool aren’t actually that bad, so wondering what places are actually terrible.

  1. Bangor and Holyhead in Wales are both grim, as are Scunthorpe and Immingham in Lincolnshire (Grimsby isn’t as bad as its reputation though). Same goes for Castleford, Pontefract and Dewsbury.

  2. Liverpool and Glasgow both have the advantage of having interesting and lively centres. The reputation isn’t based on the parts a visitor or tourist would go. Liverpool has vast areas where you question why anyone would live there. Same with Birkenhead over the water but that doesn’t have the benefit of a couple of square kilometres of looked after centre.

    You see it a lot on Reddit, people go to central London, Manchester, Leeds etc. for a few nights and think they know a city.

  3. I mean lots of places in the uk are genuinely pretty bleak. Not sure why that is though. It’s likely a combination of the general weather and the way the economy was structured/restructured. But there are at least some nice places in the bigger towns and cities. Id say the worst one I’ve personally seen so far that lives up to its reputation is Blackpool. If there are nice parts of Blackpool I haven’t seen them.

  4. Of all the seaside towns I stopped at on a tour of the East coast, Lowestoft was by far the worst. Even worse than Yarmouth if you can believe it.

    I understand they are trying to do something about the Kittiwake invasion so good luck to them.

  5. Rhyl

    You could convert the high street into a nuclear weapon testing site and I think it would improve

  6. How has no one said Barrow yet? I once saw a seagull eating another dead seagull there.

    But honestly, I could forgive much of it, it has some lovely coastal walks, if it wasn’t so out of the way. When you’re an hour’s drive from the M6, it really does feel like the backend of nowhere.

  7. Ipswich.

    People get the impression it offers nothing, has out of control gang issues, has crap housing, a terrible council and all bundled up in a pit of bleakness.

    And guess what?
    That’s exactly what it is.

  8. Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft.

    At least Lowestoft doesn’t have the pull of being a “seaside resort”.

  9. Skegness. Desolate shithole that saps the life out of anybody unfortunate enough to grow up there.

  10. Aldershot. Just a town that has been absolutely dying for at least the last 30 years. All attempts to make it better do not last.

  11. I had to go to Croydon this week. Hadn’t even left the station before I was hit by the stink of piss.

  12. I visited Liverpool not too long ago. Absolutely fabulous City with fantastic people. Central area looked a bit like parts of London!

  13. Crawley, ghastly albeit it is a tossup with there and Slough as to where the pipe goes if England needs an enema.

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